chapter 8:taking a break and ths sage pill.

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Redrew naruto's looks... on my tablet:

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3rd pov

Naruto let out a yawn, as he got up from his bed. He got dressed and ready for the day, as he walked out of the apartment complex.

He jumped on to one of the nearby buildings roof, as he started to run towards one of the training grounds, where he would see what happens when one eats the sage pill.

Scene change:meeting of clan heads.

Minato sat in front of the other clan heads who seemed confused meanwhile kushina noticed the aura of excitement around her husband.

Shikaku:"so what the reason for this meeting hokage-sama?" He looked at minato, as the blonde held a letter in his hand and put it on the table.

Minato:"that letter is from the seems he now believes in the akatsuki." Kushina got up from her chair.

Kushina:"does that mean..that naruto can come home?" The clan heads that respected and were helped by naruto looked at minato waiting for the answer.

Minato:"yes..he can or he's already home." This made shikaku let out a chuckle. "He was the one who delivered the letter after all." He looked at the two scrolls that some anbu had brought to him.

Shikaku:"what are in those scrolls Minato?" The blonde looked at them and let out a sigh.

Minato:"in these scrolls are the bodies of two akatsuki members and thats the second reason I ordered this meeting." Hiashi eyes widened realizing what had happend, as he had a small smile on his face.

Hiashi:"naruto was the one who killed the two akatsuki members" Minato nodded making the other clan.

Meanwhile with naruto:

Naruto could be seen in the middle of the forest, as he let out a sigh. He looked at the pill.

He steeled his mind and subconscious and took a bite out of the fruit, as he ate it all, He hated the horrible taste of it and after finishing it. he felt different his body felt more powerful and his chakra reserves increased as well.

Naruto punched his fist into his palm, as he looked at a nearby tree and hit it with renewal taekwando, as multiple trees behind it were destroyed.

Naruto:" seems It increased my strength.." he looked at his hands, as he knew he had to become stronger to defeat the up coming threats. "I need to stop worrying..I haven't made anytime for myself from today on ward I'm taking a break."

Naruto stretched and started to jump from tree to tree, as he arrived back at konoha. He greeted many civilians who passed by him, as he made it to ichirakus. Ordering himself some food he devourered several plates of ramen.

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