chapter 1:friends? nah training dummys

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3rd pov: 1 year later

Naruto woke up and got ready, as he grabbed his bag and homework. He noticed his family eating and stealthily grabbed some toast and left. (He had been noticed by minato) he jumped on to one of the smaller building then on to the bigger building, as he jumped from building to building until he reached the academy. It had been the same for him he would get up train his ass off after school. After the sixth month he started testing out renewal taekwando. He also had been learning about the way of how to use seals. After his 8th month he leaned how to use weight seals which helped with his training.

He landed in the front of the classroom, as he skidded to a halt. He stretched then went to his desk and pulled out his notebook and readied himself for class.

Ten minutes later menma and narukos friends arrived some greeted naruto others didn't, iruka then arrived and started his lesson...whenever iruka would ask a question and want one of the students to answer it, naruto would answer the question easily. After classes had ended, naruto was told to stay by iruka.

Iruka:" we'll be and many other of the teachers have decided to move you up, but you'll need to beat your siblings and their friends in a fight." Naruto nodded his eyes were filled with determination.

Scene change

Naruto was put against Kiba first. The arrogant boy continued on talking until naruto ran forward and used renewal taekwando hoe grab and hooked kibas arms with his legs as he spun the boy around and then hit him with a spinning top kick and Kiba landed on the ground knocked out. Akamaru barked at naruto who in turn picked up the white pup and started to pet and play with.

After putting Kiba on the sidelines and akamaru who was given some dog treats by naruto. Naruto stretched once again and did a hand motion telling the next fighter to hurry up.

Naruto was then put up against shikamaru who wanted to give up but decided to fight against naruto who decided to end it fast so he hit the nara with renewal taekwando: baek rok an upward kick that connected with shikamarus chin, as the boy was sent flying out the ring.

Naruto felt his blood pumping feeling nothing but excitement, as he had been training for the past month wishing to use renewal taekwando. Choji came up next and got in a position to fight, naruto hit him with the upward kick which knocked the boy out. Naruto didn't want to reveal much so he decided to use three techniques against them.

Then came the uchiha..naruto couldn't help but grin it was time to put this boy in his place. Naruto's foot touched the ground and he disappeared instantly appearing in front of sasuke, as he performed renewal taekwando 3rd stance hwechook a attack that created two narutos that were actually after images, as the two hit sasuke on each side of his head and naruto came up from behind him and hit the back side of his head with a kick knocking out the duck butt haired male.

Naruto knew people were watching from the outside..but he didn't care everyone was shocked by what had transpired. They noticed naruto taking off his jacket and wrapping it around his waist.

Naruto:"now come on it's your turn." He pointed at his two siblings who were startled. "I've been wanting to test out this fighting style and well your friends helped me test it out." He grinned. "So come on show me what mom and dad taught you two and let's see how it fairs against me." Both siblings got on to the stage, as naruto picked up sasuke and put him on the sidelines. He turned and looked at his two siblings..the supposed child of prophecy.

Kakashi, rin and a few others had been watching, kushina had arrived to see about the sparring that was taken place..many civilians were watching with interest.

Naruto:"heh." He stomped his foot, as he suddenly started dashing around the arena moving around the twins when suddenly he appeared in front of naruko and hit her with a renewal taekwando:baek rok as she was sent flying off the arena but she was stopped by menma. "Congratulations you were able to stay conscious from one of my attacks but let's see if you can tank this one."

Naruto:"jin mori original" the pressure he built up started to take the shape of a blue Chinese dragon, as the air pressure destroyed parts of his pants "blue dragon kick!" He sent the kick forward as the twins were blown back and sent of the arena and the air pressure destroyed a nearby wall of the academy. Blood leaked from his leg, as he fell on his butt wincing in pain from the self inflicted damage. "Heh I should not have used that...I'm still not strong enough to handle the pressure. He sat there noticing iruka standing over him the teacher nodded and announced naruto was the victor.

Those on the sidelines noticed the damage caused by the kick as the wall had been destroyed with a huge hole in the middle. Iruka helped naruto up, as he looked at the group who had finally woken up from being unconscious.

Iruka had told the students that class was being ended early for today, after he took the bruised up students to the infirmary along with naruto whose leg was being bandaged up the nurse.

Scene change

Naruto looked at the headband on his hands, as he put it on, he was temporarily placed on a team with rock Lee, tenten, and neji hyuga which suprised him. It made sense though after all seeing his martial art skills he would be put on a team with the leader being the best taijutsu user in konoha.

Now here he was training along side team guy the four could be seen running through konoha, naruto helped tenten and neiji as he was used to this type of training.

After the hellish training that might guy had given the four well for three of them one was used to it. After that was over he went to the forest and started to train by himself, he noticed a pug watching him but he ignored it and continued to kick the air and punch it, as he started to shadowbox the air.

After awhile he let out a breath, as he was covered in his own sweat. "One more time....I have to get stronger!" He yelled out to no one, he started to train harder than before.

Scene change

Minato could be seen working in his office he had heard about how naruto had beaten his siblings and friends in a spar, he had agreed and let naruto graduate early and put him on team guy. He didn't know what to feel guilty that he left his son all alone or be proud about how strong he had become. He was cut off from his thoughts when he noticed Kakashi

Minato looked up at his student who greeted his teacher.

Minato:"so how's naruto doing"

Kakashi:"sensei your son is pretty good." Kakashi gave him a close eyed smile to a teacher. "I had pakkun watch him..naruto doesn't hold back when training the boy continued training after training with guy."

Minato:"I'm glad...that fighting style of his can you tell me about it?" He looked at Kakashi who seemed in thought.

Kakashi:"the kids technique uses his legs but even then he seems to train both his legs and fist so he'll know how to fight..." Minato nodded as he continued to talk with Kakashi.

Scene change

Menma, naruko, shikamaru, ino, choji, Kiba, and sasuke could be seen talking with each other.

Shikamaru:"naruto has gotten strong...that kick of his hurt a lot." He looked at sasuke who was laying down with a ice pack on his head. "But i guess the one who got it worse was sasuke...three kicks to the head and from what the nurse said he got a concussion afterwardss." Sasuke let out a small groan.

Sasuke:"that asshole didn't hold back...but I have to thank him for showing me the difference in strength between us." The others nodded as well they were strong but even then they were each beaten with in a couple seconds.

Scene change

Then the scene changed again revealing naruto walking home alongside him was pakkun, the dog had been persuaded to join naruto and in return naruto would give pakkun special treats that he usually gave akamaru.

Pakkun:" need a shower your covered in sweat and you smell." Naruto gave pakkun a thumbs up, as he walked in and noticed certain individuals in his house.

Chapter 2:perv sannin and old lady sannin.

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