chapter 2:perv sannin and old hag sannin, meeting orange mask

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3rd pov

Naruto looked at the two people sitting in front of was jiraya and tsunade both sat on the couch along with shizune who he nodded his head towards. He didn't hate her the others she forgot about him.

Naruto:"hello jiraya, tsunade, and shizune  what brings you here?" All three stared at naruto noticing the headband on his head along with the face his clothes were drenched in sweat. "I'm guess you wanted to give something to my pops or my siblings if so you'll have to wait a couple more minutes now if you'll excuse me i need a shower." He took of his shoes and went to his room to grab some clothes then he took a shower.

Twenty minutes later

He got out of the shower, as he grabbed some food that his mother had cooked for him, after that he was walking to his room finally heading to bed for the day. Pakkun had been fed by naruto, as the ninken decided to stay with the boy.

The next day.

The team didn't have any mission so they decided to do their own things Lee was training with might guy while tenten was training with her swords, and neiji he was training by himself.

Naruto could be seen walking towards the memorial stone, as he stared at it for a couple minutes. He sat down and looked at all the names...noticing one standing out. The name belonged to a villain fueled by hatred for a certain masked sensei.

Naruto:"obito uchiha..I wonder how did you died.." he closed his eyes and started to ponder. "Was it in battle, was it a heroic death or did you die by sacrificing yourself in the end I'll never know...what do you think..stranger?" He looked backwards to see a man wearing an orange mask along with a cloak with red clouds. Naruto silently freaked out in his mind.

Orange mask:"tobi doesn't know..he probably died a hero." Naruto let out a sigh of relief, as he was suprised that obito didn't kill him

Naruto:"hm he probably did Mr tobi..." naruto turned back to see tobi was gone, as he let out a tired sigh. "Man..." he got up and stretched, as he pulled out a someflowers putting them down in front of the memorial stone. He left wanting to continue his training.

He was walking towards the forest noticing a cloud nin running through the village carrying a bag, as he let out a sigh of annoyance. He chased after the man putting his training to the test.

The ninja arrived in the forest as he let out an annoyed sigh, but he smiled looking at the bag.

Cloud nin:"that was surprisingly eas-" he was kicked in the head, as he let go of the bag. The old man was sent flying through a tree.

Naruto:"you know for a chunin ninja you aren't that alert." He chuckled, as he started to disable his weights. "But maybe it's cause of all that horrendous training i did as a kid. Eh whatever." He looked at the cloud-nin who got up glaring at him. He watched as girl came out of the bag looking scared. "Oi brat stand back imma kick this bastard ass." He looked at the girl recognizing her as Hanabi hyuga. He disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Naruto grinned, as he appeared behind the old man kicking him on both side of his head and hitting the cloud nin head. The cloud nin had flinched when the first two kicks hit his head and well that made the kick to the back of his head much worse.

Naruto stretched, as he suddenly blitzed the man hitting him with renewal taekwando Dragon sign Hwechook the man was then hit with countless attacks from a whirlwind, as the cloud nin fell to the ground in pain.

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