chapter 12:attack on suna and naruto vs madara?

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3rd pov

Naruto was full on sprinting towards suna, the village hidden in the sand had sent an emergency message to konoha to seen help, and since it would take time to rally up some ninja to head towards suna.

Naruto was the second best option, as he was the fastest there. The teen eyes were focused, as he pulled out yeoui.

Naruto:"I have a stupid plan and it might just work." He threw his staff into the air and let it sail through it.

Scene change with the suna nin

Most of their troops bad been injured or killed by these white entity with green hair. The Kazekage was holding most of them back, as his siblings fought with their ninja against the unknown.

That was until a staff that seemed to reach the sky's itself landed on top of their enemies crushing them completely.

Gaara:"what the-" He looked up in suprise, as he recognized a familiar blond-nin. The giant staff shrunk, as Naruto fell towards the enemy.

Naruto:"Renewal taekwondo: recoilless axe!" he started to spin, as his foot was stretched out and he fell towards the enemies, as he landed on the ground and his kick hit the floor.

An earthquake happened as the ground in front of Naruto was split in half along with the sky most of the white zetsu clones didn't stand a chance, as most were destroyed within an instant.

Naruto stood up, as he grinned at the enemies. That was until several paper birds flew at him along with some fireballs jumping back he looked at two familiar akatsuki members. It was konan and madara, it seemed as though tobi wore a white mask and he carried the weapons of the original madara Uchiha.

Naruto:"well if it isn't the living paper and the wannabe madara Uchiha." Both members glared at him "come on!" He charged at the two, as they tried hitting him, but Naruto kicked tobi In the stomach, then he performed a spinning top kick to konan who was sent flying back.

Naruto:"is that all....I expected this fight to be more harder." He grinned as he ducked under an attack that came from tobi, but tobi was suddenly beside him, as Naruto tried to kick him but his attack passed through him.

Naruto looked down to see tobi performing hand signs as he hit Naruto with a massive fire ball jutsu sending the teen flying back, as he bounced off the ground and landed wincing in pain at the burns.

Naruto:"ok one fuck you...that hurt" He got up, as he noticed that someone was standing behind the two

Tobi:"have you finished the task zetsu?" He turned to face the white entity who handed him a jar that had the rinnegan

Konan's eyes widened seeing those familiar eyes and in instant madara went for the kill.

Tobi:"thank you for your are no longer required anymore." Before he could lay a hand on konan a powerful kick sent to his face sent him flying into zetsu and sent the two flying back. "You truly are a pest Naruto!..but it doesn't matter you'll lose to him in the end."

Naruto:"who the hell are you talking about?" Konan looked at her savior "hey konan if you wanna do good then go help the suna-nin tell them that the other villages will be arriving soon...I hope." The purple haired woman nodded, as she flew away with her paper wings. "Now then all that's left is you." He charged at tobi aa he was about to kick him.

??????:"susanoo." A giant blue spectral hand backhanded the blond sending the teen flying back.

Tobi:"welcome back the land of the living." The masked man held the gunbai out to the new arrival, as the older Uchiha took the weapons from him.

Madara:" did well obito..but it seems you've been having trouble with an Uzumaki brat?" He looked at the younger Uchiha in disappointment. "Let me deal with him..go get the remaining tailed beast." Naruto was about to spin kick the Uchiha, but he was stopped by the spectral Armou, as he cracked it.

Madara:"Oh? You cracked it...most wouldn't be able to even touch me...but even then you truly are a fool boy." He grabbed Naruto with the spectral blue hands, as he started to crush the teen who was screaming in pain. "From what obito explained to me you would be the one to cause the most trouble towards our plans and I cannot allow you to live...goodbye Naruto uzumaki." A loud Crack was heard, as Naruto's body went limp, as madara grabbed Naruto's jacket and headband then he threw Naruto away.

Scene change somewhere in the desert.

Naruto's body bounced off the ground, as he landed in the sand unmoving and he stared at the sky feeling the life leave his body.

Naruto:'...I...lost..?" Naruto eyes started to feel more heavy, as his breathing became more ragged and hindered, as he tried to keep his eyes open....'I'm sorry...everyone' he felt his eyes close, as blood leaked from his body.

With the shinobi alliance.

They had arrived to see suna-nin fighting back against the white zetsu what surprised them the most was that an akatsuki member was helping them.

As the army started to push them back, another problem occurred they were suddenly attacked by ninja that were supposed to be dead, as everyone looked tired and afraid.

The group stopped, as they noticed a familiar person standing a top a pillar of rocks.

Onoki:"it can't be...that's madara...the real madara Uchiha." The ghost of the Uchiha clan looked down at the nin gathered,

Madara:"Naruto uzumaki is dead." That one statement caused all the nin to stop, as madara held his arm out and let it drop to the ground, as the jacket and headband that belonged to Naruto fell to the ground landing in front of the shinobi that moment each nin from each village charged heading straight for madara "to think one boy could unite the villages..."

With Naruto in the ????

(Play at 2:55 to 3:54)

Naruto floated in a black void, as he felt someone touch his head.

???:"this is not the time for you to give up" Naruto's eyes opened "do you wish to fall that easily? are needed back in the land of the living." It was an older man who had golden hair and a tail he wore golden armour as he felt someone pat his head

???:"I'm sorry for all that you have been through." Naruto looked to his left to see a brown haired teenager who wore what it seems to be a jacket along with some blue jeans "I will lend you my strength our strengh and you'll be able turn this war upsude down" Naruto looked to his right to see a black haired teenager who was missing an eye and an arm he wore the same attire as the second man, but his jacket pooked more like a cloak.

???????:"become the next sage that is equal to heaven not give up your hope..the three of us are cheering you on give it your all." Naruto's eyes seemed to change, as they became a light blue and had what looked like a star in the middle. " this kid." The black haired teen smiled at Naruto as the darkness was filled with a bright light and naruto was consumed by the light.

In the desert where Naruto's body laid

Naruto's eyes opened, as a pillar of light consumed him and once the beam disappeared stood Naruto who's hair had groan more longer and became more white with hints of yellow and he wore a black jacket along with yellow fur that seemed to cover his pants. A familiar halo was on his head, as his true power had finally been awoken

Chapter 13:the sage equal to heaven vs the ghost of the Uchiha clan

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