new looks (re-drawn)+ arc 2, chapter 1:the resident of the abandoned temple

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Speaking:"Whispering"italics Thinking:'Looks:

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3rd pov

?????:"Well, it has been some time, huh..should i keep calling myself that name?" A blonde male that seemed to be twenty looked out at a forest as he looked around the temple that he had decided to. All home. "No.. Naruto is dead...he died when the last remnants of the villages passed." the blonde clenched his fists as he sighed and looked up at the sky. "I guess I'll go with my name before I reincarnated."

Lorenzo:" troublesome...I wonder how your all doing up there." He sat down on the edge of the old temple. This place looked abandoned on the outside, but on the inside, it was clean.

As the years went by, strange things happened, well not until later on when superheroes started to appear and along with them came villains. He would sometimes leave to hear about how a new hero showed up, but he didn't care.

Lorenzo:"Hmm?" He let out a tired sigh as he felt several different presences enter the perimeter. "..time to greet the guests, I suppose.." getting up from his position. He jumped down and started to hop from tree to tree.

Scene change

A man wearing a green suit shooting arrows could be seen fighting against your typical goons.

???:'Damn it can't believe I fell for their ambush..' he groaned as he looked at the enemy's heading his way. 'Almost out...damn...and I can't call the others.' This man was green arrow he had been on patrol before battling against these men who

He fired his last arrow as it had a boxing glove at the end of it, ducking under several punches. Green arrow countered or fought back, but he was slowly getting outmatched and tuckered out as he was caught off guard by a kick then a punch.

Count vertigo:"Hold him down..." The blond noble man looked down at green arrow. "Well've caused me some trouble green arrow. Now then our little game of cat and mouse has ended.

Lorenzo:"So hypothetically, what happens if a monkey entered the mix." The villain looked around before Lorenzo appeared behind him and spin kicked him.

Lorenzo:"You know...for a seem kinda weak." He yawned as he used bo-up and got rid of the goons, and he looked at count vertigo. "Come on...entertain me, at least." Lorenzo took a few steps forward before suddenly feeling his senses acting weird. "You know...that would've worked...against someone that isn't me."

Without warning, Lorenzo performed renewal taekwondo taebaek as he kicked the villain in the stomach, sending the man into a tree.

Lorenzo:"Now that's taken care of." He looked at green arrow as he walked over and helped the younger male up. "Well, you took quite the any place I can take you to patch you up and drop these idiots off at." Green arrow chuckled before nodding.

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