chapter 5:the other villages and the chunnin exam

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One month later
3rd pov
Naruto let out a yawn, as he had come back from dealing with another rogu nin, he stopped by ichiraku and ate himself several plates.

Now here he was walking through the village since he had been doing nothing but do missions for the past month. He noticed a small box in the middle of the world, as it was painted grey.

Naruto:"konohamaru that is the most crappy disguise ever..It would've been better if it was a bit more circular shape." The box opened as a smoke bomb had been used with a bit to much powder. "jeez kid..." he waved his hand around making the dust get out of his face.

Konohamaru:"hah it was obvious you would be able to see me since you are my fated rival." Naruto chuckled, as he pat konohamaru on the head. He looked at konohamaru two friends and waved at the two. "Hey boss do you wanna play with us today?"

Naruto:"sure thing konohamaru." Konohamaru ran away with his group, as naruto started to chase after them, as he had given them a 20 second head start. He followed konohamarus chakra along with a new unknown chakra signature.

The blond haired male looked up to see two figure one of them holding konohamaru, as he got ready for a fight noticing two new individuals.

????::"that hurt you little shit!" He glared at konohamaru, who looked scared..before the stranger could see another individual appeared and held a kunai to his neck. "Who the hell!?" Naruto grabbed the sand-nins arm and applied pressure to eventually konohamaru was let go, as the brown haired boy ran.

Naruto:"...your lucky really...if there was a scratch on that would be who the hell are you?" The sand-nin who wore face paint on his face held up his hands as a sign of surrender. Naruto heard footsteps behind him.

Naruko:"naruto what are you doing?" She and her friends arrived upon a scene.

Kankuro:"the names kankuro..blonde, now if you could kindly put the kunai away." He knew he was outmatched, as naruto let him go and started walking away.

Naruto:"next time don't attack or threaten someone from this village..unless you want to embarrass your home village." Naruto lazily waved a goodbye and left, as he had no point in staying there.


It was time for the chunin exams, naruto was sent to guard the forest in case any of young genin get in trouble or almost die. Naruto remembered back in his first life when he watched the show they let genin die...but now they could get out alive if they just opened their scroll before getting to the tower.

Naruto was in his own thoughts until he felt a powerful presence approaching.

Naruto:"so the snake bastard...wishes to fight me?" He grinned "heh bring it..I'll beat you...believe it." He jumped up, as a massive snake tried to bite him whole. Naruto pulled out the ruyi jingu bang the silver staff used by sun wukong from behind his ear, as he had made it the size of a needle and kept it there.

Naruto:"extend..." the silver bo staff changed its size as it slammed into the snake killing it. It could be seen from the tower and thats why he did that...he let the other jonin to head his way. "Come on out orochimaru...this has your name written all over it " naruto dodged to the left sensing someone behind him, as he sent a renewal taekwando:rising back kick hitting the snake pedo in the chin sending the older man flying into the tree.

Orochimaru:"that...hurt you damn brat.." he rubbed his chin lightly, as he gave the blond Uzumaki a grin. "I was hoping to get your body..unlike those weak siblings of are far stronger and interest me much more." Naruto looked weirded out and disgusted.

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