Chapter 1: Lost Future

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When the winds often representing change swepts through the world, everything follows. All futures are pre-determined be it someone's demise or ones rise. And yet someone stood still, not the winds nor the storms can move her. Dull eyes and a bland expression she is a woman covered in blood. With an envious gaze forward she is left behind, like petrified into stone she stood defiantly.

A Being with no will and purpose but only a duty to fullfil. This Person's fate is independent, because she is merely a key to a greater outcome.
A soundless hue of the wind touched a lady's exposed skin whilst fluttering her coat. With an unwavering gaze she looked towards the Horizon, the peaceful sounds of the ocean waves calms the heart.

Mirai... a Kansen of the Japanese Maritime Defense Force, a prided and decorated ship of Japan. No matter how great the praise, no matter how much they pay, the popularity or pampering of others were no match to what she had lost.

The smiles of the past were gone, like before, she was alone once again in the expanse of the great blue sea.
Her right hand flinches, the weight of her sword forever embedded into her memory. Each time it striked, her heart tightens those unwanted bitter memories were mixing within her mind.

A Demon.

Thats what she was called during that war for nothing. She like her sisters were meant to be Aegis decoy ships, and to be convincing they were built close to the Maya-class but inferior to the Kongou-class Destroyers.
And like their intended purpose they were merely disposable, except of accepting such reality she forced her will to be strong. What she lacked with technology could be counterweighed by technique...

However seeing this future she regrets fighting defiantly. She wished she was meek and cowardly so she could just die together with everyone...
Her thoughts were interrupted by creaking of metal.

She broked the railings of her ship, her emotions is getting the better of her self... again. And without losing momentum she didn't held back... The Anger, The Sadness they were all too real... breaking much of the unnecessary accessories of her ship.

She coughed, her emotions went out of control again. Her eyes were unfocused terrified of what she was becoming, the anxiety and unease were consuming her. She held her breath and covered her face, once pulling her hand down the look of terror and anxiety were gone replaced by a reassured and confident or even an arrogant smile.

And thus she stood up like nothing happened, however it wasn't the end and suddenly light showered her ship. Her smile deepens, and an unwavering voice let out of her lips completely the opposite of what she felt much, much earlier.

"Another life, another death" She proclaims with much enthusiasm.

Pearl Harbor, October 5, 1940

Sitting inside the office was an Admiral of the Western Fleet of the Eagle Union Navy, Rear-Admiral Husband Edward Kimmel reading a news paper.
With a drink from his coffee he sighed as he looked through the headlines of the daily issued news papers.

"'It has only been 7 years after the defeat of the Sirens, now we face our true enemy. Ourselves.'" As he reads the headline he looked painfully annoyed. "
"As if there's going to be a war again, damn Media, getting better at making up stories." His grumbled words were laid with spite and hate. "They never even fought the War."

He read further, each word he passes was making him feel anger within. There was too many exagerations and too few reasons.

"Goddamn it. Have some trust in your Humanity." He placed down the paper and began wondering in his thoughts.

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