Chapter 15: A Prelude between the duel

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Within the Mirror sea was a battle, between the feared Elite Seeker, Apex and The United States Recommisioned Ticonderoga-class cruiser Philippine Sea.

An intense battle of attrition, Philippine sea has an advantage of a Weapon in the form of the infamous Itak and Pira of the Philippines.

Both were Machete type weapons and were relatively short but it was enough against the claw dependent Apex who had now lost 5 of her lives.

The Mirror Sea of the 21st century allows a Siren to gain multiple lives, in particular Seekers get 6 while Elite Seekers has 9.

"Wrong STEP!"

Like scissors Phillippine Sea placed both her Weapons by Apex's shoulders and decapitated her, Philippine Sea then took the time to recover her stamina.

She was now fatigued fighting Apex, there was a chance she would die here in this dimension. But she looked on the bright side having a fevor dream about Admiral Jess Loraine finaly accepting her Confession.

"This Boss fight is Hella Hard!"

Apex complains as her head regrew and the decapitated one disapearing.

Philippine Sea took her battle stance but being wary she immediately used a different technique, using her Machete's like an Arnis she leaped forward aggressively aiming for Apex's tendons and calf.

"I did Say..."

Apex was making it clear, her hands straightened forming the pose of a Martial Artist she disarmed Philippine's left hand literaly by sidestepping and chopping it off clean. Taking the fatigued Philippine Sea by surprise.


Philippine Sea recoiled in Pain. Apex was not intending to give her room and once again she took the offensive but she was stopped, by a hail of Missiles.

"You guys are using this Missiles so Sparingly! The Modern Era should've defeated every ww2 faction." Apex was dissapointed but immediately found out the reason. "Hehe, I get it. All of you are scared to make a change."

"I'll be back home after I deal with you. I'll enjoy my retirement to the Fullest!" Philippine Sea proclaims with the brightest smile.

"You're so full of life! Very different from Mirai." Apex grew excited by the surprisingly difficult opponent. "Is she with you?" But then Apex remembered, Mirai an even fiercer warrior than she is facing now.

"Why would I tell you?" Philippine Sea took a stance with her only hand drawing out the Pira's true stance.

"I'll let you out."


"Of course, since when did I ever lie."

It was a convincing Offer. And Philippine Sea realy wanted to live out her life, she was never close to Mirai but she did hear stories.

"She was deployed at the front gates. Now your Promise."

"Of course with so much help I couldn't just say sike, I lied."

Philippine Sea dropped her stance, the bloodloss had made her delirious.

"The Gate" she orders.

"I didn't say you'll leave alive though."

As Apex said that the Pira by Philippine Sea's hands swept at angle maximising it's lethaly. Apex made her move, she used her foot more importantly her heels to stop the blade and threw the direction off target giving her an open gut.

"!!!!" No sound came out of Philippine sea as her insides slowly went out of place. And yet her face that saw and felt horror paled.

"You fought well. Hehehe... but in the end, You're too old."

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