Chapter 8: The Drifters of Anotherworld

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Anomaly Number 12, 25 spotted
Location: EarthPr #2032
Affected: EarthPa #1941
Damage: unknown
Data: Corrupted







Threat Level: Resonance Cascade Stage IV Event

Proceeding with contamination stage II

Procedure Blocked

Evaluating cause.... solution found.

Proceeding to follow new orders...

Witholding following procedures of any ongoing containment efforts...

Under the direct command of Subject: OmegaAlpha


Pearl Harbor, December 7 1941

Explosions reverberates above the blue sea, the countless buzzing and screeches of engines coming from tu3 Aircrafts of both sides as they fight in the skies resonates dread. Followed by the relentless cannon fire coming from Battleships and Cruisers, whilst torpedos slowly but efficiently hits the hull of their enemies.

An Entire Horde of Sirens, all of them were low level indicated by their dark pigmentation with red neonic outlines giving a sense of intimidation and fear to whoever powerless beings baring witness to such weapons.

Old and Young, Kansens of the Eagle Union gathered at the Naval Base to try and defend it. Causalties were already mounting, be it the new and powerful Arizona or Oklahoma none were at an advantage against countless hordes of dark colored aircraft from the skies.

Surveying from a Far a pale white humanoid girl watches in slight amusement with a little bit of disinterest within her eyes that glamors in the color of Gold.

"Yaaaawwn*, Could you tell me again why we're substituting for the Sakura Empire?"

Another made her appearance known by simply walking over, with overfondness of Tentacles. The Siren explains.

"Its to lure a possible Irregular who drifted to this world. With them in the way, it would be impossible to collect any further data. Thats why αΩ sent me here to investigate and gather information about these people. So please, just do as I say."

"Alright~ alright~"

The laidback Siren dismisses it and slacked off while staring in amusement to the hopeless and dying.


Flying through the skies in the middle of the pacific was a Stealth Transport/Attack Helicopter similar to a UH60 Blackhawk. Inside was a single person in the Pilot seat, not touching the controls nor having it on auto-pilot. The Aircraft was flown via a "Soul" Connection of a Kansen through its objects.

Controling the Aircraft was easy for Zumwalt, having experience and a steel and focused mind she easily conquered the Systems of the Helicopter.

Zumwalt was a Woman with unkept long Gray Hair formerly a short blonde, she wore a Mask in her face, hiding away the beautiful and soft skin underneath.

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