Chapter 2: A strange ship in the Docks

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"Damn it..... Fuck.... Not again." Gritting her teeth Mirai sat at the corner of her ship.

Despite the injuries she sustained it barely bothered her. However she was mostly recoiling from shock and Trauma as the Events of the past once again reveals it's ugly head.

The Past. A Topic she avoids without a second thought but it always gave the consequence of forcefully remembering which for most of the time she came close to losing her sanity.

A Target Ship or better known as a Decoy, she was built not to last even a month, her technology and capabilities in the surface was similar to a Maya-Class Destroyer however her capabilities were always far below that of a normal Aegis Destroyer.


A small piece of ice drifting in the ocean big enough to cause such a loud noise made her shudder. Her hands shook, as the earlier battle surfaced into her mind.

Her hands shaking at the thought of almost cutting an innocent girls head off horrified her.

"This isn't the war... this isn't the war...... calm down.... Mirai... YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!" She tried calming herself to the point of self harm.

Saying mirai can't control her well being is an understatement. She doesn't even remember how many times her surroundings and vision blacks out only for it to return where almost blood and gore will surround herself.

It doesn't matter wether its combatants or non combatants enemies or allies. They will always surround her with their lifeless corpses.

After Hyperventilating Mirai stabled her breathing, but it was at that moment when a new encounter presented itself.

Rays of light showered near her ship, landing in the sea and kicking water into the air. Too big for a Modern Cannon and Too Quiet for a Missile.

She didn't realize an unknown ship had managed to enter a range of about 12 Miles away.

Shit, she thought and immediately readied for combat however the moment she did her Ship was immediately hit by an unknown arrow like munition, not piercing her bow but instead it planted itself within the hull.

It was Dark in color but it had neon Violet stripes that decorated the menacing rod like weapon.

Before she could even do anything Mirai's weapons and hull was stricken by a large surge of electricity that made her scream and made all her ship systems fail.

["Unknown ship. Prepare to be boarded."] the person on the other side spoke in perfect Japanese despite sounding like a westerner.

"..... E... M... P!?"

It had already dawned on her that the opponents she met was from second world war era warships, and she concluded that the enemies she will face will be easy from here on out but she was dead wrong.

Too confident of the AN SPY-6 Fixed Array Radars for spotting an Enemy that she forgot about needing to actualy do anything to stop an aggressive action.

Immediately therefore after the surprise attack of shutting her ability to guide her warheads to the enemy she decided to fight head on. With a flick of her finger the ship turned into thousands of wisdom cubes.

The enemy did the same, without any ability to fight any further Mirai mindlessly charged the enemy with her sword pointed towards the enemy to stab through them while the other hand was itching at her hip to draw her revolver.

A Flash, followed by a huge explosion triggered from her opponent immediately missed and passed through her rear but its target was never her in the beggining.

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