Chapter 5: Where to Now?

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"Are you Gay?"

Leaning beside the JS Maya's bridge was her Sister. Haguro, away from Mirai and the others. She silently gazes around the surrounding as they traveled.

The countless colorful stars that the night sky showed were heartbreaking for her. She who embraced Art the most amongst her peers. The sight of the beautiful night. Makes her tear up.

"In the search for Gold. Building industrial Cities and lighting up our dark world from the cold night, we Sacrificed Diamonds. The unparralel Beauty of Nature." She murmurs to the sight.

"Greed has always affected our train of thought. God said we should not gamble and be blinded by greed. But greed helped us get this far."

Bell interupted Haguro's alone time. Which she did not take lightly, with a frown on her eyebrows Haguro responds.

"Go bother anyone but me, everyone is at the Flight Deck, right? Go ask that Devil her slaughters or something."

"Is Mirai's sin. That bad?"

"Bad? BAD!?" She mocks as she silently laugh. "Do you honestly think there is a Word that could describe her sins?!"

The word "Bad" offended Haguro dreply and she without a care in the world. Berrated the curious Belfast insulting her along the way.

"She is the spawn of a Demon birth from the selfishness of Humanity. She lacks Compassion, and Emotion. She doesn't care what happens to us, if somebody orders it, She will do it and beyond. There are no chains binding her. We feared her to the point of the US backing her in the Trials of her Warcrimes, silencing everything! She had done. So Belfast let me ask you something, are you realy Belfast? If you can't answer then get out of my sight, this instant!"

Taken aback by Haguro's words Bell couldn't utter words.

"Is she Realy the successor of the Name Belfast?"

"She lacks every qualities her Mother had. Was she realy raised by her? Or thrown to the sides."

"I heard she disobeyed the command from the Admiralty. She should be scrap as punishment and an Example to the Youngsters."

Those voices flooded into her head. The scandalous rumors of her Existance was the only thing that plagued her entire life. In the strict and traditional Royal Navy, a Youngster dares disobey.

Her Mother was gentle and kind. She was always wise and had a great understanding of others, compared to that she was the opposite.

Silently she accepted Haguro's words and left planning to go towards the flight deck of the ship. On the way there a dark room with a slightly closed door caught her interest. Opening the room she switched the lights on.

What she saw baffled her. It was an entire room dedicated as a museum, there was alot of commemorations such as medals, war thropies like swords and hair pins(?) At the very corner of the room shelved in a glass cabinet.

Ignoring those for now she approached the items on the middle of the room neatly placed like its a treassure. They were all picture frames, 7 of them to be exact.

First she inspected the one with the earliest title of year, March 19 2020. Maya and Haguro were both commisioned at the same time and behind them were all the JSDF Ships in a group photo, smiling, and laughing it was a peacful time. Returning the photo she took the second titled with the year December 2022, there was an increased in ships and so is the third one.

However the 4th showed a terrifying decreased within their fleet, almost all members were trying not to be negative, Belfast could see the forced smiles among the people in portrait. The fifth showed an Increased with more ships accounting to 12, including Mirai along with 5 others wearing her uniform.

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