Chapter 12: Elite Seeker, Apex

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A heavy but fast sweep of her greatsword knocks off a Barrage of bullets from the Ironblood Ara-ara Cruiser.

"AP? To a Carrier? C'mon I thought you Germans are better than that!" Cavour mocked.

However unprovoked the cruiser hits back, "Don't take me for a fool. The Strongest part of your Kind's Carriers are their flight deck." A wide smile crept up her lips.

Horrified at the suggestion. Cavour was worried sick with apprehension. ".. My kind?" She asked like a whisper in the wind her will shaken.

A muffled chuckle answered her question followed by a bombardment of High Explosive shells not leaving any room for thought..

Making her body as small as possible to dodge as many shells was quite hard for the soon to be Retired Italian Carrier. Having a deck that only Helicopers could use was a very minimal advantage because of her ramp being still under repair.

Bits of her Knightly armor was blown away her helmet's Visor was cracked with her entire mouth exposed. Gritting her teeth she stood her ground with her sword raised pointing to the heavens.

"Is that all you could do? I thought you guys were from the future haha!"

"Yeah.. future." Cavour never wanted this. But now it's her life on the line. Even if the orders of the Italian Navy Remnant Command say so, her punishment would be awaiting her. "Don't die for me okay? I don't want your filty radioactive blood on me."


From Cavour's hand formed a gun with a box like canister. Squeezing the trigger, smoke blew from the front and rear as an Arrow shape warhead flew from the canister.

Within that moment, Cavour whispers the name of her foe. "Prinz Eugene."

Shockingly Prinz Eugene seemed to have an Idea of what Cavour had just fired and desperately she covered the target area with her entire rigging.

But it was futile as the warhead was specificaly made to sink United Red Republics (cold war Communist states.) Super carriers, Carriers and Battlecruisers.

For a WW2 Heavy Cruiser weighing 16,700 Long Tons her entire superstructure would split in half. But fortunately for Eugene her damage only left her fataly wounded.

Cavour looked on to the dying Prinz Eugene hesitant to give her hand. Right at that moment.

<<Island Hopper to All Teams, we'll have a temporary ceasefire with the Germans. The Mermaids are here.>>

The transmission ended, but misfortune was just at the back of Cavour.

"You shot her?"

Cavour familiar with the tone of voice turned her head and was surprised to see Italian navy Destroyer Andrea Doria.

"Andrea. There is a bit of a Misunderstanding." Cavour stood up and held her hands out trying not make her situation worse.

Andrea was among the smartest with Italy so seeing this type of scene she already had made preparations to make best of the situation.

"Well yeah, I'm not a dumbass. There is a misunderstanding or are you perhaps gonna stall time and make it worse for you?"

Cavour looked behind her to see Eugene looking at her helplessly as she bled from her abdomen.

"Right let's help her first."

"I'm here too you know?" Negev's presence was absolutely not anywhere near just now but more hands is a big help. "A jew saving a nazi. You don't see that everyday." Negev remarks.

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