Chapter 14: Lost Control

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Assessing a stack of papers from the comfort of his well lit and heated personal Office. Admiral in charge of fleet operations against sirens appearing in the Baltic sea for Iron Blood was Naval Base Kiel Admiral Hans Paul Jaeger . He recieved a report consisting of new ships secretly sent over to his base, and the one who sent it was someone he didn't like.

"Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugene were sent to Kiel under a secret operation requested by Professor Himmler himself."

(I'm going english for his pov. And Native languages for the modern ships.)

Iron Blood was not controlled by Chancellor Adolf Hitler, instead the rulling party still remained for the Kaiser of Germany as the first world war never occured. Though he may not be in charge his presence was still felt via the Nazi Party. And standing before the Admiral of Kiel was an SS Officer appointed in the SS Division a paramilitary force sending the message of approval from the Chancellor himself.

"Did the Kaiser approved of this farce?" There was a clear hostility between him and the SS Officer. "I would remind you that my Power in this region is absolute and I shall not join in this Treasonous Act!"

"The Kaiser does not need to be informed of such little things. This is a Secret operatiom to strengthen Iron Blood's Technology, the Kaiser does not understand the importance of technology for victory. He is already old and senile his son is not as influential as he. If we continue to be led by the Kaiser we will be faced with civil war all over this beautiful Fatherland." The SS officer spites the Kaiser without hesitation. His loyalty was only to the chancellor and to his Party not the country or it's people that was clear for the admiral.

"This is Treason! Do this in another naval base. Not my territory!!" The Admiral yells fully showing he has no intention to defy the kaiser. However his sentiment was not shared with the SS Officer.

A Gun was then drawn to his head. A Mauser C96, one of Germany's marvellous handguns that nearly everyone would be familiar with.

"Treason? Nein. If it is for the greater good of Iron Blood then a mere senile old man should have no right to decide for everyones future!"

Admiral Hans Paul Jager knows this is merely bullshit. The Nazi's don't care about their subjects, their like a failed artist trying to make the perfect piece. Making things overly detailed, complicated, Granduer and distastefully unique to compensate for his lack of taste.

(Yes I just insulted Hitler's art. What are you gonna do about it?)

"The Hypocrasy...." The Admiral grumbled with a mutter underneath his breath. "Fine! But if you bring the Kaiser's wrath I will have no involvement with your Fanatic Racist Group."

He slammed his book shut finally allowing the illegal activities he had tried to shut down quietly, but they can now move freely and under his authority.

It frustates him to no end that some horrific experiment is going on somewhere within his territory of authority.

The SS Officer left with a smirk in his lips. Further angering the Admiral.

"Scheisse!" He slammed the table and sat in his chair defeated.

A Kansen curiosly peaked into the room with a worried expression for her Admiral.
Sensing the Girl's presence he calls out to her name.

"Deutschland, what're you doing here so early?"

The Kansen blushed upon her discovery. It was no surprise as one of the youngest Admirals by the young age of 31 he was quite popular with the women of his Territory.

"Admiral... I came here after one of those men came. Did they ask anything absurd like taking one of us?"

The innocent worry was enough to have calmed his nerves. His fatherly instincts (despite being single) kicked in and he smiled patting her head to calm her mind.

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