Chapter 10: Eagle Union II; Lonely...

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There exist a room where a secret meeting took place. Between Admiral Chester Nimitz and DDG1000 Zumwalt.

The two spoke about the backrounds of each world they knew from deviations of history but along with possible contradictions and future for the setting.

For Admiral Nimitz the entire thing he heard felt unreal but he trusted the stranger's words.

"........ My allegience to the United States of America will remain the same. Even so, the value's of this "Eagle Union" Matched that of America, hence I wish to form a beneficiary alliance with your Military regarding Sirens."

Though shameless in her timing, Zumwalt had picked the perfect oppurtunity for her to speak about the possibility of an anchor to the world.

"... urk... Excuse me for being rude. It was not my intention to show you my dusgraceful side." Admiral Nimitz bowed his head.

Zumwalt panicked but urges the Admiral it was all well and good. Even if her face was still covered by a mask the message her body portrays was clear so to be even more clear, Zumwalt spoke shame in her voice but worry to the future.

"No, I should be the one apologizing Admiral. I have made such an absurd request for a person you all just met once."

Admiral stared wide eyed for a moment and soon found himself chuckling, "We will gladly welcome you in Eagle Union, Ms. Zumwalt. Even if you don't think so, the room we gave you shall be yours from now on. I will do the paperwork regarding your identity, along with a formal Military rank into the Eagle Union Navy but you are still allowed to call yourself a proud citizen of the United States of America."

Zumwalt had not expected such an easy door for safety, however she felt uneasy and embarassed so she couldn't help but ask, "I am deeply thankful but... do you.. trust me?"

"Why not? No Siren would make such an Absurd request. Though your Mask may cause issues socialy but it's acceptable as long as you comply with our documentatoon."

"I thank you once again Admiral."

"Enjoy your Youth my child. You should explore and get to know the base better, after all it'll be your Home for the time being."

Zumwalt stood up, "I shall take my leave Admiral. I am deeply thankful for your kindness." Zumwalt bowed again, it was to convey her gratitude.

"Think none if it. I'll be seeing you again in the mean time."

Enterprise had not put into words yet of her suspiscion over the Stranger. And it didn't help that the entire base knew of it, if anything any words she may make as a complaint can be taken as slander which she didn't want to happen.

"Woah! I heard that Destroyer is much heavier compared to our Old Battleships!"

"Thats a Destroyer!?"

"What an odd shape, won't it sway too on the sea?"

"Where're the guns?"

Curious onlookers were gathering on the dock. It didn't help that there was a build up of force required by the Eagle Union goverment because of the siren incursion.

Now sooner or later, such a weird ship that resembled a siren battleship would spread all across the media.

It was a heavy concern for Enterprise, frankly she'd just ignore it. 'But that goddamn geezer pushed all work on me!' (Enterprise's thoughts not mine.)

She should've sortied by now to locate the Siren stronghold however because of the "NEW" duties pushed on her she couldn't continue her purpose. She was fuming and had no other way to relieve stress so she stood by the sides and quietly watched the crowd. Though life isn't always Silent.

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