Chapter 7: Things in their Minds

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Mirai/Hiyo's Moonlight Maiden Katana inspiration.

Mirai/Hiyo's Moonlight Maiden Katana inspiration

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"Six slices... isn't simple? Mirai..." A charming voice laced with mockery sounded within a Dojo.

Two people were inside. A Mentor and a Student, the other drenched in sweat while the latter was seathing with disapointment.

"Is that how far you'll go? You and your sisters are mere Target ships, like them you came looking for an alternative way to gain firepower for this war. But it seems you're merely spitting on your third sister's grave."

A fast strike of a blade aimed at the teacher's neck, the student's action was justifiable for mocking a beloved someone whobpassed away, even still she failed to focus. Immediately a wrist gauntlet blocked the edges of the blade, easily stopping the momentum.

"Didn't I say never to be distracted? Words of spite will be thrown at you. These may not be the Communist Chinese but they're still Chinese. The influence of their old goverment along with the lingering fury against our kind is still present, don't expect them to smile and say "Wanna be Friends?" They'll put two swords up your stomach and split you into as their nice gesture." Its a harsh training coming from the nicest woman of the JSDF. "Your current task is doubled as punishment." Almost the most nicest JMSDF ship.

JMSDF 1st Carrier Division Flagship, Hiyo. A Kansen known for not only being the first official carrier of the JSDF but also learned the infamous Niten Ichi-ryū combat style founded by Miyamoto Musashi and developed the Moonlight Maiden Style which focuses on powerful, fasta and swift offense.

Compare that to the Student. Yukinami-class of Decoy Aegis Destroyers, DDG-202 Mirai. With little to no achievements in her name.

Decoy Aegis Destroyers meant to mimic not only the Shape of the ships but also its unique Radio wave pattern. It was cheap and most of the time heavily successful drawing fire towards itself. 6 ships were in the Class, Mirai being the second sister.

"Are you perhaps tired already? You're breathing so hard it seemed as if you're drugged with Aphrodisiac or perhaps you're a rabbit in heat?"

Mirai layed down, no words came out of her mouth as her lungs were near empty of air. Despite wanting to say a word or lifting her finger to communicate she was kicked and slid away to the other end of the Dojo.

"Get up you lazy fat sack of Shirako! (Don't look it up.) Wanna know the reason why they avoid you? Huh?! Because all of you will die! If you can't even get four strikes in a second on a fruit then GIVE UP and FUCKING DIE."

Mirai didn't comply and she stood up silently, her heart pounding with many emotions present to face a challenge.

Normaly getting 4 strikes in a single fruit is that in itself difficult that even humans couldn't achieve.

Kansens have an Additional skill within thought process, durability/endurance and strength having these abilities made them better than the average humans by tenfold.

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