Chapter 6: Beggining

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Incompetence and Negligence over the concept of war was the reason for our lost, the Liberation Republic of China. The war to control our empire and to expand was doomed ever since a single word was uttered by our naive leader.

We weren't at fault for the tragedy's we've caused, because who gives a damn. The rich complains while the poor rebuilds that's what always happens no matter the ages in the calendar.

But out of all things in the outcome for my future... I still couldn't believe it, I Qingbai my prided name was erased by my new owners and gave me the disgraceful monicker of Youzui.... Guilty.

Not only that but everyone seemingly forgot that we existed... I faced more traumatic experiences than what ever those soft crybabies and their navies faced in the seas.

I was there when the Hunter-Killer Drones were first used on Kansens. Effective weapons against Siren Dolls and Humanoid Forms, easy kills if we do say so. And let me tell you, it was just as effective on us Kansens.

Is that all? No. I was there... when the Demon was first born. That Demon... Killed my sisters, her fast but simple movements were foreign. But fault lies at our incompetance once again for not studying hard on how to wield a blade, after all we just carried them as decorations.

You maybe asking how a woman with a sword slaughtered many of the experienced Kansens with a mere sword? Well... its better to tell the full story of what truly happened on that fateful night.


Just like any other missions a Large Fleet Protecting Liberations newest Super Carrier and Amphibious Assult Force towards Indonesia. I was part of the Vanguard Far left of the formation and we met barrage upon barrage of many different types of missiles, though I was left injured we managed to reach over 10 miles from our destination.

I wanted to retreat but I couldn't because superior's orders are absolute and a measely injured selfish ship is not allowed to complain or its death for me. Stupid.

When things went well things go south and so everything suddenly came crashing down as multiple EMP Strikes disabled our weapons and communication to HQ. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared at the time, its terrifying actualy.

No eyes nor ears, we were on the mercy of our enemies. Yet no barrage similar to what happened the first time occured. It was silence, I was on edge.

The Strong winds coupled with the High seas made it hard for us to continue moving with our Riggings, the storm intensified but it quickly calmed down. The light in the sky were dimm so it was hard to see, but at the moment one of us opened our lights towards a ship facing opposite of our direction, it made me realize that they too, were blind.

Instead of a ceasefire everyone immediately equipped their riggings and went to battle, Using Guns and unguided torpedos as the signal of war, the battle became hectic as if it was the seas of the old.

Using what ever was on hand the brutal fight went on, those who held or had ceremonial weapons find themselves easily winning in melee combats with others and with their guns they were dominating the battlefield.

I watched my sisters kill left and right, I struggled to fight using only a gun due to my battered arm unable to hold my ceremonial Chinese Machete. They, my sisters Dhalian and Lhasa, easily took care of everyone with their teamwork, however I seemed to have misjudged their ability.... I had thought they could beat them all. But I was wrong.

I lost them at that day, sometimes my memories are foggy of what truly happened. But I remember it being quicked and simple, and that they angered somebody.

Demon. Thats what we call her, a woman in white always covered in the blood of others. She was fast and easily stands out in the battlefield. I fear her. Appearance wise she looks like a normal grand admiral and knowing she was a disposable ship made it less believable for her to have such a perfect face. But thay perfect face always had mask hiding it's true intention.

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