Chapter 9: Eagle Union I

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The Groaning of sinking metal surrounded the burning harbor. Gathered were survivors of the attack, all standing infront of a Humanoid siren badly beaten and missing an arm.

"... you... who are you?" A Frightened voice asked. It was Arizona, a Battleship of the Eagle Union Navy.

She survived the Battle on Pearl Harbor through sheer luck, and now despite being heavily injured she had the remaining courage to ask.

"...." Zumwalt did not answer but her head turned towards Enterprise, implying what she had said earlier. "I'm Zumwalt, United States Navy, Destroyer. And you are?"

A few murmurs flew around the moment Zumwalt introduced herself as a Destroyer but she gracefully ignored it.

"A... Arizona, Eagle Union, Battleship. We'll prepare a place to talk we have some... questions."

"Anywhere is fine. The Battle has just begun after all. So Lead the way."

Zumwalt finaly disabled her whip's Plasma sheat and placing it back to her hip along with both her handguns on the opposite hip. With a brief glance to Enterprise she walked towards an empty Dock for Battleships.

There she summoned her form and docked it. Among the crowd a few Kansens talked to themselves after witnessing her ship.

"T.. Thats a Destroyer..?" A Baffled Destroyer asked.

"It's size is almost similar to a modern Battleship..." a shocked Kansen Battleship murmurs.

"But... it lacks any visible weapons or Anti-Aircraft... is it just a over exagerated Iron Clad?"

Those were the words being flown around. Though they may vary but over all those were the simple questions.

Leaping towards the Harbor, Zumwalt was met with a Person in a Officer Uniform. "Admiral Kimmel."

"It seems you've heard of me. Don't worry, we'll just take you to a place perfect for talks." The Admiral says with a smile in his face.

Zumwalt realized the notion and was too late to act. Instead she locked the masked on her face, ready to activate an auto-defence Ai that works even if there were no power circulating within her heart.

A Blunt hit to the back of the neck, made her fall. The conciousness of her eyes darkens but she still felt light so she felt at ease.

"A- Admiral!"

The Body went numb and the world was engulfed in darkness and silence. Something that calmed Zumwalt a bit.


A Day Passed

"W... p!. ... HEY! Wake up!"

A tug by the chest awakened Zumwalt, looking around and analyzing the room she concluded the room was an interrigation facility. She sat opposite of a Kansen she was familiar with.

"Enterprise." Zumwalt calls out.

"Enterprise... I would very much like to know how you knew of my name. And not my legend."

".... Your grandkids. The Hero of the second world war, with 31 Battlestars throughout her service. With how you did things in the war you gained many nicknames. But the ones who stucked were Grey Ghost and Lucky E. Recently Enty but we don't talk about the other one much."

(Hint it's everyone's favorite genre.

Enterprise was left speechless. Repeating an unbelievable word that she never hoped to hear. "Grandkids...?'

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