Chapter 16: Sakaichi

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Mirai readied her sword, her stance was calm and opened for an enemy strike. She stood menacingly like an esteemed sword saint watching for the opponent's next move.

The Odachi is not good as a weapon for a duel like this, Mirai needs to be a little more taller for it to work with her style. That said, Mirai had an advantage of range against even the toughest boss.

"My fears..." Mirai mumbles. Her hand relaxed and lets the tip of her handle slip through her fingers.

Just then, Apex made her move, slipping through the gap and unreadied stance she prepared to pierce into Mirai's abdomen.

However that was not meant to be. Mirai had baited Apex into this position, by dropping the Odachi she made the perfect momentum for a upward slice that is sure to cut her in half.

Again both attacks did not work due to Apex's quick reaction time. So if Mirai had to take Apex down she has to do it properly.

'Damn it. If this was a Katana her head would've flopped from the beggining.' Mirai curses.

"Quite slow." A wide grin showing her teeth confronted Mirai.

Though remaining unprovoke, for the first time she had swung her sword, Mirai felt fear. She didn't know why, because she started someone like a person who gives less of a fuck to anything.

So now... why did she returned? Wasn't her wish to die an honorable death? So why wasn't she excited? Those questions remained in Mirai's heart had finaly surfaced.

For Mirai it did not feel like she was controlling her own destiny, she made decisions that completely went against her mindsets. It felt like she was a puppet.

Mirai's view darkened her whole world was surrounded by what she had done. From the past and the present.

Mirai a ship that had caused atrocities between her enemies be it civilians or incapable/wounded combatants. There were many times she was tried for crimes but nearly all her sisters that has been felled either by her or an enemy took the blame.

The war had shaped her to hate, and let go of her attachments. But even still there was still a ray of hope, always have, her Mentor, JDS Hiyo former carrier flagship of the Maritime SDF had thaught her to be calm and control her emotions not to forsake it.

There was a time she had forgotten she was at war due to her new path for peace. But fate had mocked her, taking the only person she had looked up to causing her to forget.
Forget the powerful teachings of her Master.

Ever since waking up the identity of Mirai to herself started progressively crumbling. She had said words she did not meant, and she had purposefully weakened herself against a 100 year old battleship (Kongo).

Now seeing what she had done right in her eyes did only Mirai finaly realized.

"I was... literally shattered glass..." she whisphers as the surroundings of her memory cracked.

A faint glow came across her sight and immediately Mirai raised her sword to block.


The sound of metal clashing cleared the darkened world for Mirai, and immediately after a surging ammount of pain ran across her body. As she looked down her clothes were ripped and her body was marked with claw marks.

No noise came out, only wincing in pain and gritting her teeth she placed the odachi by her shoulder and went for a downward strike.

Easily seeing through the attack Apex dodges to the side at the last moment and pressed her foot on the blade.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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