Chapter 13 One Prevails, The other falls

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The yell of Saki distracted Mirai for a moment but did not let go of her hand's preassure on the Katana.

"Saki, what is it?" Mirai asked.

Saki held her earpiece quite tightly listening to new orders. "We have a ceasefire with the germans!"

"Not surprised. Well might as well. Würden Sie für die Zwischenzeit aufgeben?" Mirai spoke quite fluent in German learning from one of their submarines she met during Rimpac.

The line in particular was what she recieved after said submarine surfaced beside her.

"Ja..." a fatigued reply came, the german ultimately fell to the floor exhausted.

"Sirens are in the area. And they're not weak." Saki just relayed the message and she followed it up by taking a look at the German Cruiser's condition.

"Wer seit ihr Leute die keine Sirenen sind?" The German questions  their identities.

"Japanese." Was Mirai's only response to her question. "Are we being ordered to go there?"

"That's a negative sis. We're warned. Because one is coming right to us, leaving her own fleet."

Upon hearing the oddity of behaviour of that particular siren, Mirai tensed up. "I already know who it is."

Mirai heaved a heavy sigh knowing that person's intention. Though there is worry despite being the one to defeat Apex on multiple occassions Mirai knows she has weakened. Her senses are duller than a dense guy being hit on by a beautiful girl, it will never hit.

"Battle here would be easy but a Mirror sea is risky." Mirai is assessing her options of stages. "My dear sister, would you kindly run?" A light beaming smile appeared on Mirai's lips.

Sakae took the german and Mirai's hint and followed her suggestion. Either run or get decapitated was the message she was recieving not knowing it's run or die from Apex.

Seeing Sakae's figure (carrying a kansen) slowly shrink from the distance gave Mirai a sense of ease because then it'll only be annoying.

"That sucks, I wanted to see another head roll off before our fight starts again. Mirai." Revealing her presence Apex speaks like an old friend that haven't met in a long time. "Been a while since you took off my left arm."

"Yeah been a while, Apex."

Mirai stood to face Apex in the eye. Only 20 yards apart they stared each other down.

"My God, is that Philippine Sea?" Disbelief was Mirai's reaction to the head dangling by Apex's hips. "Took you long enough to hit the bucket huh."

"Hey now, she killed me 6 Times within the Mirror Sea! I was realy having a hard time." Apex claims that her kill was worthy.

"So your Mirror Sea still revives you huh. Then by six times it'll mean you only have 3 lives (equals to 9 in total). Heh, this'll be easy." Mirai snickers and drew her sword with her legs taking a low stance and her guard up against a forward leap.



Apex immediately got behind Mirai. Mirai who didn't expect this was quick to leap away from the area she stood before Apex's sharp claws were even drawn.

"What's this... You've gotten slower? Hehe... then all my limbs will be avenged! Hahaha." Apex's artificial nails sharpens, her eyes glowed bright red as she stood knowing her advantage.

Sweat trickled down Mirai's forhead, "Screw Limits and Ammo." Her shoulder missile cells took aim and fired a barrage of Anti-ship missiles.

Apex did not dodge or moved out of the way instead she leaped into the barrage head on, with flexibility like those of a cat she exploited each and every space available allowing her speed to dodge every single missile fired.

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