Chapter 3: Rebelious Bell

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"Where did everything go wrong..."

Those harrowing words were not a question, a refined and decorated woman of the Royal navy looked on with a dull gaze at the broken pieces on the floor.

Remnants of the past now lay in pieces, the person remembers when she used it together with the people she called as comrades. But now that memories are shattered by someone who should've exceeded her past self.

Standing in the middle of Broken mementos were somebody who looked similar to the person albeit a bit young and brash.

This two share the same name, but served in different era's. HMS Belfast a Light Cruiser from the Second World War and HMS Belfast (aka Bell) Guided Missile Cruiser of the Royal Navy.

Selfishness was the drive for Bell to break her Mothers heart. She didn't understand at the time how much wrong she had done, but it broke the spirit of her Mother.

It has been a year since that incident, only now has she truly felt guilty for her actions, being confined in a Dark Room and no longer having the entertainment of the old meant she was diving through her memories.

And just like now, among them were her Dark History. A Tear welled up in the corner of her eyes, with a shrivelled voice.

"Mom.... I'm.. so... sorry.... I wanna go home."

Even if she were to beg. The only thing that keeps bugging her mind was the sight reflecting from her mothers eyes. It was her, with a sinister and playful grin as she slowly let go of the most simple yet most dear memento of her mother.

'I'm a Terrible Person.'


"Intel's gotta be wrong.... I ain't seeing a worth saving one of our own for this type of base."

A Grumbled complaint came from a Masked Kansen overlooking from her ship's mast.

The other person wearing a mask covering her eyes smiled with a smug expression.

"We don't leave others behind. Especialy because this is our past mistake."

The Masked Kansen just grumbled further.

"What ever. Lets just save her and be done with it. Casualties?"

"No if possible."

Mirai's jaw dropped as a set of list were presented to her. It was the cause of her request to a certain shady store from Sakura.

"A-Akashi... I thought I would recieve a discount? Why is this price higher?"

With a heavy heart she read the contents again, the cost of fuel per barrel were 50 gems each.

"Hm? Something wrong with that Mirai?"

"Kurk.... You too?" Mirai couldn't believe it.

Kongo was acting as if it was normal, in Mirai's world the fuel was much cheaper despite having inflation. But right now it was twice the traditional fuel cost of her type.

"I'm gonna go bankrupt after this...." pulling out her wallet Mirai scraped over 1/3 the money required in the reciept

"Hm? You're not paying in full nya?" The smug green cat asked innocently with a sheepish grin.

"Why would I trust a smug green haired cat all my money? Treat this as the first payment. I'll pay the rest once you fulfill the rest of the requirements."

"Fine nya~ don't expect it to be early as escaping the eyes of the army and navy will be quite hard nya~. So can you wait for 3 whole days? The coordinates are quite far nya~"

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