Chapter 14

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So when I got off the car, all the media started talking at lahat ng tao ay pinicturan na ako.

Then nakapasok na ako and they started the meeting. They are questioning me already so I answer all of it with my brains and my heart.

Wala ako kasama because ofcourse there is a pandemic and we perform social distancing

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Wala ako kasama because ofcourse there is a pandemic and we perform social distancing.

Sandro's POV

I woke up at around 9 am and I brushed my teeth and fix my self.

I'm texting Ashley and she's not replying. Maybe she's still not done with her meeting.

So bumaba na ako to have breakfast, and mom was there.

"Where's you fiance?" My mom asked.

"She left early mom, she said she has a meeting." I answered.

"Ah, ok come-on have breakfast already." She said.

"Where's my brothers and dad?" I asked.

"Your dad is helping and giving ayuda to our kakailian. You brothers left early I think Simon and Andrea has a date and Vinny is getting something about his VISA dw." She answered.

"Ah okay." I said.

So we already ate breakfast and I'm texting Matthew.

"Matthew said we have an event, I'll be a guest speaker dw." I said

"That's good anak." Mom said.

"3 pm later." I added.

"That's good, it's just 10 am so it's still early." My mom answered.

Back to Ashley's POV

After my meeting, I checked the time and it's already 11 am. I checked my phone and I saw my fiance's text '5 unread messages' so I checked it agad and I called him.

"Love?" I said.

"Hmm?" He answered.

"Sorry kakatapos lang ng meeting ko. I'm on my way home." I said.

"It's okay love. I truly understand. Ingat kayo love." He said.

"Yes love."

"How's your meeting?" He asked.

"It's good naman, I'm just feeling sick again, and I'm still getting dizzy here road sick sucks." I answered.

"Aww, it's ok love, I'll take care of you. I'll wait here sa living room." He said.

"Thank you love. I think I need to sleep first." I added.

"Alright love. I love you." He said.

"Love you." I answered.


So I fell asleep and we arrived sa house already.

Sandro wakes me up.

"Love. Love. Your home na." He said.

"Hmm?" I answered while still sleepy, and I feel so tired.

"Your home na love." He added.

"Ahh. Thank you." I smiled at him.

He carries my bag while holding my waist and we go straight to his room because I said so.

"Love, me and Matthew have a event later 3 pm. He said that they want me as a guest speaker." He said.

"That's nice love." I answered.

"I have a bread there sa may bed table. And there is also more snacks. That's my secret in my room lol." He said.

"Ooh, alright I'll eat it all later jk HAHA" I said and we laughed.

"Love it's 1 pm already. Get yourself ready na." I added.

"Oh yeah" He answered.

So he immediately go to his closet and he chose his "jersey" and suddenly hugged me.

"Bye love. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I answered.

Then he kissed me on my forehead.

After that he left with Matthew and after 30 mins he texted me and he said that they are there already.

After that he left with Matthew and after 30 mins he texted me and he said that they are there already

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So I slept muna because I don't know what to do. And tomorrow we have a meeting with our wedding organizer. Well, our wedding is all set, the date is just what we all have been waiting for.

Me and Sandro haven't talk about that. I'll try later.

So I slept for almost 2 hours. And as always he's kisses woke me up.

He just smiled at me and he removed his shirt. (Well he always remove his shirt while sleeping.) He joined me and I can't sleep anymore so I opened a topic about our wedding...

"Love? What is your plan to our exact date sa wedding natin?" I asked.

"Next month we can get married na. I'll tell that to our wedding organizer tomorrow." He answered.

Then he kissed me sa forehead again and we cuddle as always...

It's dinner time and I woke him up.

"Love. Love.. It's dinner time. Tita is calling us na." I said.

"Hmm?" Then he opened his eyes slowly...

"I'm so lucky to wake up everyday and see your beautiful face." He added.

I just smiled at him...

"I'm too lucky as well to have you in my life love." I answered.

"But now we need to go down stairs they are waiting for us already." I added.

And he suddenly stand up, and I'm fixing our bed. He came close to me and hugged me sa back. Yeah he's clingy and I love it. Hehe.

After that we are eating already.

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