Chapter 29

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So after a minute they are asking me to push na. And they advice me not to shout while pushing because I might lose breath.

So after pushing for almost 5 mins. Our Princess Alexandra Kashmira P. Marcos is out finally. Then the doctors is cleaning her while they are fixing me.

I fell asleep after I gave her birth. And I woke up in our private room. And when I woke up Sandro is carrying Alexandra. While mommy Liza is sleeping sa sofa.

"Love." I said but my voice is just low.

And he smiled and he pass me Alexandra.

"Aww, Hi Baby." I said and I suddenly cry.

Then she is drinking my milk na. While Sandro got something from the cabinet. And it's a flower, a really beautiful flower.

And he just put the flower beside me. And he kissed me. I am literally crying and then Mommy just woke up.  She suddenly stands up and give me a kiss on my cheeks.

"How are you anak?" She said.

"Im okay naman po." I said.

And she just smiled. While Sandro is just sitting sa sofa while using his phone. After my breastfeeding. Mommy Liza took Alexandra because she needs to burp.

After she burped, mommy place her sa parang newborn crib there sa hospital.

"Alexandra. Nice name but too long to say haha." Mommy Liza said randomly.

I smiled and I said "We can call her Alexa for short tho. And his middle name is beautiful as well."

And she nodded and she went to the toilet.

After 2 hours Simon and Vinny went to visit us. Ofcourse with the girls. They bought me fruits.

"Hi ate! How are you?" Simon asked. And they all hugged me.

"Im doing great." I answered.

"Aww cute little honey bunch." Vinny said.

"Hey mom." Simon said and they all hugged her also.

"Oof what a sleepy London Boy." Vinny said to Sandro sleeping at the couch.

And Mommy Liza woke him up, because no seat is available. And he woke up ang he get up tho.

He fist bomb his bro's and also the girls. And he goes close to me. Alyssa and Andrea took a seat, as well as the boys.

Sandro kissed me.

"Did you eat already?" He asked.

"Not yet. The nurse is not coming pa." I answered.

"But it's fine. You? Padeliver ka kaya. Did you guys eat na?" I added and I asked them."

"Yes ate but it's kanina pa." Vinny answered.

"Ok. Magpapadeliver si Sandro Pizza." I said.

And they smiled. After that two nurse came in. One nurse have my food. And the other nurse wouuld check my vitals and our baby.

And after puting the food sa may counter the other one left already.

"Good condition maam." The other nurse said.

"Thank you." I answered.

"When can she be discharge?" Mommy Liza asked.

"Tomorrow by lunch po. If she can walk na. But if she can't walk pa po maybe the day after tomorrow." The nurse answered.

"Okay. Thank you." Mommy said and she smiled.

And then the nurse left and their Pizza has arrived.

"Love can you get me my food po?" I said.

"Sure." Sandro answered.

And he give me my food. And its all just liquid. I can't eat solid pa because of my stitch.

While they're eating the pizza i'm eating my sabaw ng tinola naman and some crab soup.

And after eating the boys and girls left already.

Then I breastfeed Alexa. After breastfeeding her, mommy is going to do the burping ulit. And inaalalayan ako ni Sandro papunta sa toilet.

And thankfully, I can walk.

After that I went back to my bed and I fell asleep. Mommy Liza went to sleep after giving Alexa too burp. And Sandro is in charge now of taking care kay Alexa.

To be continued...

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