Chapter 36

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He is kissing me from my neck to my face. And I know what this is already. He is removing my shirt na but I am not ready yet.

"Love." I said.

"Hmm?" He answered.

"I'm not ready pa." I said.

"Yes you are ready." He said.

And I got surprised but I'm not ready. I refuse and I goes to Alexandra's room. I slept beside my daughter muna from now.

Ok na Bata 🙂 Isa kang suwail HAHAH

The next day...

Sandro went inside Alexandra's room and still on his hangover.

"Love." He said.

I woke up and he kissed me.

"Goodmorning" he added.

"Goodmorning." I said.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"You are drunk last night." I answered.

"Huh, really?" He said.

"Yes you wanted another baby but I refuse. So I slept here." I said.

He just smiled...

"Really? Sorry. My bad. Lol" he said.

I got up and Alexandra is still sleeping. He hugged me and he said sorry again.

"Never drunk yourself again." I said.

And he nodded and kissed me on my forehead.

The breakfast is served and we ate already.

Then Alexa woke up na and she ate with us. She ate cereals.

After eating Alexa asked me to open the TV on her room because she wants to watch Disney Princess.

Then suddenly my P.A called me. And I have an emergency meeting. So I goes to my office sa house. And I attended the meeting.

Sandro's POV

I am just here sa room ni Alexa scrolling through my IG.

And then I goes to the kitchen to get some water. I am finding Ashley and she is not everywhere.

Then I checked her office and she is on meeting.

So I just go to our room because I dont have work today. And suddenly my daughter went to our room.

"Daddy can I stay here?" She said.

"Ofcourse. Come here baby." I replied.

Then she came close to me and she asked me to open our TV. And she is just watching. After a while I didn't realize that she is sleeping already.

I turned of the TV and kinumutan ko sya. Then Ashley came back.

"Hi love." I said.

"Hello." She answered.

Back to Ashley's POV

I saw Alexandra sleeping on our bed. I changed my clothes and I cooked Tinola for our dinner. After cooking I entered our room again and Sandro is sleeping also. So I just quietly sat down there sa Sofa..

And Sandro woke up suddenly. He came close to me.

"Love. Why are you there?" He asked.

"I am just waiting for you to wake up." I answered.

And I stood up and he hugged me. He sat down and he sat me down on his lap and kissing me.

After that. Alexandra woke up...

"Hey mom and dad. What ayou doin there?" She asked.

I suddenly stand up.

"Nothing anak. Let's eat dinner?" I said.

And she smiled and run papunta sa kitchen. While Sandro hugged me again. And we goes sa kitchen nadin.

And we started praying and we ate.

After eating we goes to our garden and Alexandra wanted to swim. But its night already so we didn't allow her.

After a min. We came back inside and our daughter kisses us goodnight and she goes to her room with ate Lea. I goes to her room also because I am going to brush her teeth.

After that I came back to our room and I closed the door. We brushed our teeth. And I changed into my pajamas as always.

Then Sandro is laying down sa bed already but I sat down first. I opened my laptop and check if I have work tomorrow. While I am waiting my P.A to upload it.

Sandro is hugging me sa back and smelling my neck. He really loves doing that I dont know why.

And finally I dont have a work tomorrow.

"Do you have a work tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Hmm? I dont." He said.

Btw. I am not Mayora anymore and he is not Congressman. We are both lawyers as of now.

Then I closed my laptop and He cuddle me. He kissed me goodnight and we slept.

To be continued... 🙂

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