Chapter 56

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The next day...

It's Kuya Borgy's birthday and they invited us for a drink sa bar later.

I woke up first. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and fix my hair.

Then I woke Sandro up. He brushed his teeth as well.

And I went to Alexa's room and she is awake already. We ate breakfast.

And after that, they went to swim. But I just showered inside our room. After showering, I picked up my phone and Kuya Matthew is texting me.

*5pm dw Ash.* -Gov

*Okay Kuya* -Me.

And it's just 12pm so it's early pa. I cooked our lunch. And we eat. After eating, I just chill sa room namin. And Sandro and Alexa is taking a shower after a swim.

And after 2 hours, me and Sandro changed our clothes. And we kissed Alexa goodbye. I didn't allow Sandro to drive because I know he'll be drunk later.

We left and Van ko ang gamit namin. After an hour we arrived sa bar. And Andrea hugged me. Nag beso din ako sa kanila.

And we sat down. Kuya Borgy is not here pa and we are just waiting. We are talking about things. And Andrea and Simon's wedding is happening next month.

We are all excited for the wedding. And finally Kuya Borgy and his brothers arrived.

Niyakap namin Ang isa't isa and they ordered drinks na. I am beside Sandro and Andrea. I am drinking juice only, and they are drinking Red Horse.

And we are all having fun in there. After an hour, they are drunk already. Nagpasama ako Kay Andrea sa restroom because I needed to pee.

And after peeing we went back on our seats. Sandro's head is in my shoulders. And we are still talking.

"Cheers for the birthday boy." We all said.

And we drink. After that we are still having fun. And Sandro's hand is around my waist.

And after an hour again we are all about to go home because they are all drunk. We all hugged and we greeted Kuya Borgy a happy birthday.

We are on our way home na. And Manong set up the sofa bed inside my van. Sandro is laying down there while I am just sitting on my side and texting ate Lea.

She said that Alexa is sleeping na.

"Come here love." Sandro said.

I came close to him and sat down there sa may sofa bed beside him. He sit up as well and hugged my back. He is kissing my neck. And smelling my shoulder.

"I love you." He randomly said.

"I love you too." I said and I closed my phone.

Pinahiga nya ako and he cuddle me. The sofa bed is a bit small but it's fine. Hee suddenly goes on top of me and just hugged me.

"Love naiipit si baby." I said.

And he kissed me and our baby. He lay down beside me na. And he fell asleep. I fell asleep as well.

And after an hour, I woke up. And we our home finally.

"Love. We are here." I said and woke him up.

Inalalayan ko sya papasok sa house because he is drunk. And when we got to our room, he removed his shirt and lay down. I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes into pajama.

I turned the lights off and we fell asleep.

The next day...

He woke up first. He is hugging me. And I woke up nadin.

"Get ready for today na po love." I said.

And I stood up. He sat down sa bed namin because of hangover.

I brushed my teeth. And after brushing I kissed him goodmorning. And he stood up. He hugged me. And he went to the bathroom.

After that the breakfast is served and we called Alexa to eat.

We started praying and after praying we eated.

After eating they went to Alexa's playground and I just sit sa living room namin. I am drinking lots of water and vitamins.

I am getting dizzy when I stood up. So I always have my water bottle beside me.

And after a while. They went inside and ate Lea took Alexa a bath. And Sandro goes close to me.

"You okay love?" He asked.

"Yes. Just getting dizzy a little." I answered.

"Take a rest muna." He said.

I nodded and stood up. We went inside our room and I fell asleep.

I woke up 3pm. And Sandro is in his office.

I fix myself and I went outside. Alexa is playing inside her room. And I knocked at Sandro's office.

He let me in. And hugged me.

"Did you eat lunch ba kanina?" I asked.

"Yes love. Me and Alexa ate already." He replied.

"Ikaw? Go eat na. I cooked something there." He added.

"Okay." I said.

And he kissed me. I went to our kitchen and his sinigang is really good.

After eating I went to my office and fixed the papers that I didn't get to finish yesterday.

While working Sandro came in and just sat down on my sofa inside my office. And using his phone while waiting for me to finish.

Then after a while I am done working. I stood up and sat down beside him. I rest my head on his lap. And he is just touching my face.

"Hayst." I said.

"Why love?" He asked.

"Nothing nothing." I said.

And I stood up. I went out of our office and dinner is served. I called Alexandra to eat. We started praying and after praying. We eated.

While eating I am not saying anything and Sandro is just looking at me.

After eating I went to Alexa's room and kissed her goodnight. After I left her room Sandro came in also and kissed her goodnight.

I went to our room brushed my teeth changed my clothes and lay down.

He came in and do the same thing.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked.

And I didn't talk padin.

"Love." He said and touching my arms.

"Hmm?" I said na naiinis.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said and smiled.

Sandro's head: maybe it's because of the hormones and mood swings.

"Goodnight. I love you." He said and kissed me.

"Love you." I replied.

He hugged me and we fell asleep.

To be continued...

Authors Note

Ang hirap mag isip ng story guys pero Keri lang HAHAHA.

Happy Reading! Wavyu all. 🖤

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