Chapter 23

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After eating dinner...

I can feel my tummy is hurting...

"Love. I can feel some pain in my stomach." I whispered to him.

"Ok, just go to the room first and take a rest." He answered.

"Uhm mom, we are just going to my room, she told me she is feeling some pain in her stomach." He said to his mom.

And Mom just nodded, then after that we goes to our room immediately.

"Just take a rest love. Text me if you need something." He said.

And he is about to leave the room but...

"Wheres my hugs and kisses?" I said while pouting.

And he came back to me and hugged me tightly.

"Our baby love, you hugging me so tight." I said.

And he just smiled and kissed my tummy. He kissed me also.

And he left. I just takes a nap for 10 mins.

After taking a nap, I fixed my hear and I retouched my makeup. And I went down stairs. In the middle of the stairs, Sandro run towards me, and inalalayan ako pababa.

"Thank you." I said.

He just smiled and hold my waist while walking towards the living room.

And we are just laughing to each others stories. And after about 30 mins. Lola Imelda got tired na.

So they are preparing to leave na, and Jamie is close to me real quick. (Jaime is Gov. Matthew's girlfriend.)

And we all hugged each other and beso also. And they are saying Congrats to me and Sandro. Then they left.

Mom and Pops went to their room already, because its late nadin naman. While Vinny and Simon take their girlfriends home.

After all of that...

"Love, lets get ready to sleep na, im tired na." He said.

I nodded, and we went upstairs already. Then we changed our clothes and brush our teeth together.

Then I opened my laptop, and I have no schedule for work, and it's our anniversary tomorrow as well.

The after that I closed my laptop already, and while im laying down, I opened my phone, and I checked my Instagram.

And while im still scrolling through my IG, Sadro is beside me nadin. He hugged me on my back, because im not facing him.

Then I closed my phone already, and I faced him. And I hugged back.

"What to do on our anniversary tomorrow?" I said.

"I dont want to do anything love, but to spend my day with you. Not until Mom decides what we actually gonna do." He answered.

"And please Love, stop working muna, its als for our baby's safety. I dont want you to feel tired." He added.

"Okay Love, but please get me back to work soon." I answered.

And he just nodded and kissed me. I closed my lamp beside me and he closed his as well. He loves cuddling while sleeping, but my tummy is getting bigger, so he is just hugging his pillow the whole night. Kind of sad but, we need to.

So we already slept, and tomorrow is our Baby's 4th month also, so we really need to have some lunch or dinner.

To Be Continued...


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