Mario vs Beta 2: The Next Level

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Today You, Meggy and Beta were looking through to see what challenges he was given.

Y/N: Queen_Woomy says that you need to dress up as trash and sing 'Im a Barbie girl.

Meggy: Oh god...this should be fun!


Y/N: Beta?

Beta: No.

Y/N: Come on Beta.

Beta: I'm not doing it over a damn can.


Beta: Nothing you say or do will make me do it-

A Few hours later..

Beta was dressed up as trash and sang the song as if he were depressed.

Beta:...I'm a..Barbie a want to take a gun...and I want to leave this world..yay...I'm a Barbie a Barbie world...I want to take some bleach..and drink every drop of it...And-

Y/N: Okay..I think you're good..

Beta: Thank god..

Beta shook the trash off of him, and sniffed himself.

Beta: I smell, I'm gonna be in the shower.

Meggy: That was awesome..

Beta: Oh, I bet it about you two dress up in pink fluffy bunny suits and dance around singing I'm a gummy bear.

Meggy gagged when she heard that.

Y/N: That's a giant HELL no!

Beta: Heh, well, I'd love to stay and chat more but I've got a date with the shower, see ya.

Beta walks away and into the shower to get himself clean, back with you and Meggy, the two of you head over to the couch to see Tari playing a game.

Y/N: Hey Tari! What are you playing?

Tari: Oh, hey Y/N! I'm just playing some Resident Evil Village.

Meggy: Looks fun.

Tari: It is, its a bit scary too.

Y/N: I bet.

Later on..

Beta finally gets himself a little more cleaner, he dries off and gets on his clothes, he gets out and relaxes in a tree.

Beta: Sometimes I wonder, does wotfi stand for Whales on fat icy tits..maybe..

He smelled himself and he smelt a little bit of stench.

Beta: The fuck?..I literally used four bars of soap and I still smell like shit..

Mario: Hello Beta!

Beta: Oh hey Big Chubus.

Mario: I told you to stop calling me that, anywho, what are you-a doing?

Beta had a fish stick in his hand.

Beta: Eating a fish stick, best food there ever was.

Mario: Fish sticks? More like shit sticks.

Beta: Well, what's your favorite food- Oh wait, I already know, Its salad!

Mario: No! Spaghetti!

He had a plate of it on his hand.

Beta: Oh yeah? 

He pulls out a catalog out of nowhere.

Beta: I bet my fish stick could do more daily things than your plate of saucy crap!

Two Peas in one pod (Meggy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now