Beta downloads Wii mods

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Sitting on a bed was a bored Beta, he hung upside down on his bed, thinking.

Beta: God..I'm bored..Tari's taking another girls sleepover, this time it's at Meggy's apartment..and I know for sure I ain't invited.

He kept thinking until..

Beta: Hmmm..Maybe me and the boys could do something fun...

He grew a devilish smile and slithered off the bed and up the ceiling, falling on the couch and flattening Boopkins.

Beta: Whoops, hey fatso.

Boopkins: Ow..Beta! Come on! I got here first! Now let me watch my anime!

Beta: Nobody cares that you got here first. I am here now, and I want the couch, so you should probably go back to watching your shitty cartoons back in your sewage filled home because clearly, you're much too immature to have a rational conversation with any person. Now fuck off.

He scoops Boopkins out and tossed him in the moat.

Beta: Have a nice swim, now the Wii..check, game?

He brings out a copy of Wii Sports Resort.

Beta: Perfect. Wires and cables? Check..friends? Ah..I seem to be lacking that shit. Hold on.


You, Mario and SMG4 were now in the living room.

Y/N: How did we get here?.

Mario: I dunno.


Beta: the console?


Beta: Cool your jets. Without that drive, you can no longer be a waste to your society, even if you try. Now shut the fuck up and play.

He then tossed you, Mario and Glitchy Wii remotes and nunchucks.

Beta: And for myself of course.

Y/N: Why are we doing this again?

Beta: Cause I've run out of things to do. I've already shat on a bird, I've already drugged the neighbors hedgehog and I've already caused a huge explosion in good ol' Bethy's apartment.

Y/N: Wait, you did that to Bethany?!?

Beta: Yeah, trust me she deserved it after she shot a glitter bomb into my eyes. So I retaliated and placed a baking soda and vinegar volcano in her bed, surprisingly she never retaliated after that.

Mario: Sounds Fun, you shoulda invited Mario!

SMG4: What the hell is wrong with you?

Beta: I have no idea.

Y/N:..Okay, let's just play the game..

SMG4: What exactly are we playing?

Beta: Wii Sports Resort.

Y/N: Oh come on, why not Wii Sports? The OG Wii Sports?

Beta: Because it'll crash the Wii entirely.

You shook your head and wait for the main menu screen to pop up..

Y/N: What is taking so long- OH JESUS!!

Y/N: What is taking so long- OH JESUS!!

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Beta: What?

SMG4:..Did you mod another game?..

Beta: I did.

Y/N: How many mods exactly?

Beta: All of them.

Y/N: Well it was fun when we had the Wii..

Mario: Mario's condolences will be sent to Pretendo.

SMG4: Let's see what's in store..

You press A and B together and it brings you to game screen. But that's when things started to turn south. The screen turns to static and out of nowhere, you four were sucked into the game. Landing on an island surrounded by orange water.

Y/N: What the hell was that?!

Mario: Mario's Pingas Feels Weird.

SMG4: Beta! What did you do?!

Beta: It's not my fault I got that drive from the dark web.


Beta: Nothing.

Y/N: Okay? do we get out of here..

Mario: Hmmmmm, Hey Stinky! Let us out of here!

SMG4:..Mario you know you're just talking to the sky right?

Mario: Shet! Mario wanted to get attention from God.

?: Hello there new friendos!

You then see something sitting in the entrance.

You then see something sitting in the entrance

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Mario: Erm, who is dis?

SMG4: A Duck?.

?: Hello! I'm McFuckinDuck! Are you here for the annual tournament!?

Y/N: Tournament?

McFuckinDuck: Why yes! We host a tournament of multiple different games! Such as Black Ops 2 Tennis, MLG Sword fighting and many more!

SMG4: Is there anyway to get back to the real world?

McFuckinDuck: Indeed there is! But first you must complete the challenges!

Mario: Oh great!..does this include food?

McFuckinDuck: There's a food eating contest! Yes!

Beta: Oh Great. What should we try first?

McFuckinDuck: I'll let you four decide! Choose wisely friends!

Y/N: Hmmmm...

Your options are:

"Table Tennis"

"Sword Fight"


"Eating Contest"








"Power Cruising"


(MrSlackBones should be my new name, but what's in a name?)

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