Chilling with Meggy

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Today, after recovering from that cursed video, you wanted to check out Beta's new video called Flirting 101?..

Y/N: This should be fun.

You click on the on the video and press the play button.

Beta: Hello, today I'm gonna try and flirt with Tari, cause why not?


Just then the video shows a scene of Tari working with her bionic arm as she's standing up. Beta walked up behind her and says these few words.

Beta: Hey hot stuff~

He then touches touches her...S.S Tari. Making her blush.

Tari: *Gasp* Beta!

She lightly slapped him in the face.


Beta was holding his face.

Beta: And I always forget that my girlfriend happens to be human..


Just then, it cuts to another scene of Tari playing a game while Beta was reading a news paper.

Beta: drinks lava and survives, convenient.

He gets bored so he stops reading and watched Tari play, he got an idea and slowly nudges his arm against Tari's side.

Tari: Beta, stop!

He backed away for a moment before doing it again.

Tari: Beta stooooop, you're gonna make me lose!

He did it again.


He proceeds to kiss her cheek, causing her to blush while playing.

Beta: You liked it.

Tari: No!

Beta looked at the camera again.

Beta: She liked it.


Y/N: I should try something like that with Meggy...minus the rear end touching, she'd rip my arms off if I did that..

Beta: Definitely.

Y/N: Beta??

Beta: Yep.

Y/N: How long have you've been standing there?

Beta: Long enough to hear Meggy would rip your arms off..

Y/N: Gotcha. Anywho, I'm gonna go and see what Meggy's up to.

Beta: Right.

You leave, saying goodbye to him, he gets on the computer and plays Crush The Castle 2.

Beta: Fucking love this game.


Y/N: Hey Meggy!

Meggy: Hi Y/N!

You both kiss before speaking.

Y/N: How's your day so far?

Meggy: Better now that you're here, I need you for a quick little project.

Y/N: Okay, about what?

Meggy: Ever heard of a....french kiss?

Your eyes widened.

Y/N: Oh..I see..

Meggy: You wanna..try it?..You don't have to if you don't want to, I just always wanted to try it on someone I really care about..

She rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment, gaining your courage, you surprise her by wrapping your arms around her neck.

Meggy: Huh?

You do what she wanted to do and get a french kiss, and become the dominant one, she was too shocked to do anything until you were done.

Y/N: Wow...that was something..Meggy?

Meggy: Uh huh.....that felt like heaven..

Y/N: I'm glad it did.

Just as you both were going in for round two, a box gets yeeted out of nowhere and hits both you and Meggy.

Tinker: Oops! My bad, I just came back from the strip club!


Y/N and Meggy recover from the box and decided to head out to the Inkopolis park, seeing the nature and peaceful atmosphere.

Y/N: Hey Meggy..

Meggy: Yea?

Y/N: How would you like it if we went to Japan for our next date? Remember before we said we'd do that?

Meggy remembers the time you all took a trip to Japan and met Saiko's friend Axol.

Meggy: Oh yeah, I remember, I'd love that.

Y/N: I knew you would, that's why I got us plane tickets to Japan.

Meggy: Awesome! I can't wait to visit again.

Y/N: So do I.

You both sat down at a park bench and watch as the birds were chirping and singing. Soon, Meggy dozed off and fell asleep on your shoulder.

Y/N: fell asleep..

You kiss her forehead.

Y/N: I love you, babe.


Beta was drinking water while watching Venom: Let There Be Carnage. He was enjoying himself until..

Bob: HeY bEtA, hAvE yOu EvEr AcCiDeNtAlLy JaCkEd OfF tO yOuNg PhOtOs Of YoUr MoM?

Beta's eyes popped out and sprayed water out of his blowhole, after coughing for a bit, he yelled at Bob.

Beta: Who the fuck starts a conversation like that?! And No! That's sick!

Bob: OkAy, ThAt WaS ePiC.

Beta: Mmm, That was epic..

He mocked Bob.

Bob: BiTcH, dId YoU jUsT mOcK mE?

Beta: Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.

Bob: YoU wAnNa FuCkInG Go BrO?!

Beta: Go where? To that Anime store you love? Or to your "Waifu" what was her name? Or right, Asami Salami?

Bob: No! At LeAsT i CaN bAkE bEtTeR tHaN yOu!

Beta: Really? Last time I checked, you shoved a C-4 block in that oven, Peach had to get it replaced because of you.

Bob: ThAt WaS mY AlLtImE SpEcIaL C-4 CaKe!

Beta: I bet it blows your taste buds away then, literally.

Bob: YoU kNoW wHaT eLsE cAn BlOw YoUr TaStE bUdS aWaY?

Beta: Don't say it.

Bob: My Di-

Beta smacked him out of the castle.

Bob: Ow My OvArIeS!

Beta: I warned you.

(I don't even know what to call this..)

Two Peas in one pod (Meggy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now