The Old Pipe

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Y/N woke up and regains his vision, he looks around and saw Beta tied up.

Beta: Thank god you're awake..

Y/N: Where's Meggy?

Beta moves and shows Meggy still passed out with a gag in her mouth.

Beta: He knocked her out with that mallet.

Your mind was going too quick to process what happened.

Y/N: Why the hell would Skully do this?

Beta: I don't know..

Skully was seen cutting up an unlucky goomba.

Skully: Oh, I'm so glad you're awake! You're just in time for my latest project!

Beta: Skully, why?..

Skully: Why not?

Y/N: This isn't right..this isn't the Skully we know, the real Skully wouldn't be doing this.

Skully thinks about it before..

Skully: Sounds great, but I'd rather stick with making you all into flesh statues. It'll be a work of art!

You began to panic as he laughed like a psychopath.


Skully: Shut up!

He throws a wrench at his head, knocking Y/N out cold.

Beta: W-wait, wha- No!

Skully: Yea, I did that, so what, you gonna do something about it?

Beta: I'm your brother! You wouldn't kill your own brother!

Skully: I would and I will.

He goes up to a dead body with no jaw.

Skully: You see, this fella couldn't keep his mouth shut, so what did I do? I cut off his fucking jaw! Unless you wanna keep that jaw, I'd recommend piping down.


Skully hits Beta with a chair.

Skully: Do that again and it'll be a knife.

Beta: Go fuck yourself!

Skully: No thanks, I'm into ladies, but thanks for offering.

He goes over to see where he misplaced his cleaver.

Skully: Alright, now where did I put that clever-

Out of nowhere, Skully gets his head blasted off, who did it? None other than..

Skully: Is everyone okay?!

Beta: Wait Wha- how?!

Skully: Ugh, what a disaster..hold on, I'll get you three out of here.

-After some hours later-

Y/N and Meggy held each other close as Beta was confused.

Beta: How can there be two Skully's?..

Meggy: Huh?..

Skully came back.

Skully: Hey, I'm back.

Both Y/N and Meggy scream.

Skully: Whoa! Hey! Calm down! I'm not the other Skully!

Y/N: What do you mean?

Skully: I'm saying that Skully you just saw, is just my identical evil counterpart, but I just call him Skully Crossbones.

Y/N: Skully Crossbones?..

Skully: Yeah. He does very bad killing anyone he can find, start robberies, blow things up, hold people for hostages, so on, I'm sorry you had to run into him..I guess he's been hiding in there for a while.

Y/N and Meggy calm down and sit back down.

Skully: I'll get you three something to eat.

He grabs the remote and turns on the Cuphead Show.

Skully: There, and I'll be back with something to eat.

Y/N, Meggy and Beta relax for a bit, still shook by Crossbones.

Meggy: Y/N?..

Y/N: Yes Meggy?

Meggy: I thought we were going to die..we're lucky to be alive, right?

Y/N: That's right..

Tari came in.

Tari: Hey guys, I got a game- Guys?! What happened to you three?!

Y/N: We came across Skully's evil clone, luckily he took him out and saved us.

Tari: Wow...I'm sorry I wasn't there..

Meggy: You're ok Tari.

Tari sat down next to Beta and cuddles him.

Beta: Thank you.

Tari smiles and enjoys the cuddling.

Skully soon came back with three bowls of ramen.

Skully: Ramen with mushrooms, hard boiled eggs, chives and some chicken, enjoy

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Skully: Ramen with mushrooms, hard boiled eggs, chives and some chicken, enjoy.

Tari: Could I....maybe..get one too?

Skully: Of course, I'll make you one too.

He leaves to cook another one. You take a bite of yours and the flavor really shows on your tastebuds, Meggy seemed like she was enjoying hers too. Beta was straight up devouring it like a duck. You, Meggy and Tari look at him, he puts the bowl down in embarrassment.

Beta: Uh..good food, right?

Y/N smiles.

Y/N: Yes, it's delicious.

Meggy: Your brother really can cook!

Beta: He's trained for it, I'm mostly a baker. You should see him make BBQ ribs, they are the bomb.

Skully came back with a bowl for Tari.

Skully: Here you are.

Tari: Thank you.

Tari takes it and waits for it to cool down. Skully stays with his friends to make sure they're okay.

(My mind just flipped upside down!)

Two Peas in one pod (Meggy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now