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After about a few weeks later, you develop feelings for an inkling girl. While you were out with Beta, Luigi, SMG4, Mario, they too noticed how you were acting different.

Luigi: Hey, Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm?

SMG4: We've noticed how you were acting, are you okay?

Y/N: Y-yeah! I'm fine, I was just lost in thought for a moment.

Beta: Nonsense Y/N, I think I know what's going on..

Mario: Is he sick?

Beta: Nope, he's got a case of..the L word.

Luigi: What? Lice?

Beta: No!

Y/N: Beta, don't you dare.

Beta: Our friend here..




Beta: Is afraid of L's.

Y/N: What?..

Mario: Hmm?

Luigi: That's not a thing.

Beta: Oh it is, I once knew a robot train with a blue face who had something like that.

Luigi: Okay then...

Mario: Imma go- *Gasps*

He saw a spaghetti truck, he runs over and Luigi goes to stop him.


SMG4 sighed and runs over. Beta leans in and whispers to you.

Beta: You have feelings for Meggy, don't you?

Your face turns light pink.

Y/N: N-no..

Beta raised his eyebrow and smiled.

Y/N: Okay! Fine..I do.

Beta: Knew it, look, just so you know, I think you two are pretty good together.

Y/N: Really?

Beta: You kidding? You two are inseparable when I see you two together doing activities, training, cleaning, watching movies, hell, even playing video games.

Y/N: I guess you have a point..

Beta: Of course I do.

Y/N: But how do I confess?..

Beta: You'll know when the times right, give it time, we're only what? A few chapters in? Yeah.

Y/N: What?

Beta: Never mind, Just give it time, you'll see.

Y/N: You're right, thanks Beta.

Beta: Of course, we should go stop Mario now, the more he eats, the flabbier he gets..

Y/N: *Chuckles* yeah, let's go.

Y/N and Beta go to stop Mario.


Meggy had some sort of feelings, she couldn't tell what.

Meggy: I don't get it, I'm not sick, I'm not exactly sure what this feeling is.

She looks over and saw a picture of her friends, she blushed when she saw you.

Meggy: I gotta tell him at some point..

(I don't blame her, Y/N is pretty cute..)

Two Peas in one pod (Meggy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now