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"What is your name anyway?"You ask the wolf with a sour grimace on your face as you walk behind him, trying to figure out why is he such a weird mixture of forward and akward. Not like you could judge but you did feel like you wanted to know a clear motive.

"It's Legoshi, nice to meet you" He says while turning around and putting his hand foward.

You shake hands and take seat at what he says is his usual spot. Some words are exchanged between you two but nothing much. The rest of the day goes alright, few weird looks here and there but nothing you couldn't explain.

Next day, as you were leaving to the dormitory after school, think about the wolf you had a few classes with once more. Suddenly you find yourself in front of a deer looking at you in a way that told you he wanted to waste your time. As you stoped he immediately spoke.

"You must be the first year human, [Y/N], right?"


"Good, my name is Louis, I'm the president of the drama club. I've asked your new friend about you and I'm willing to offer you an interview to join the said club, since you seem like you would fit in."

*He's probably talking about Legoshi.*

"Sorry but I'm not interested in acting, thanks for the offer though."

You attempt to walk away for the deer but he spoke once more

"There are other duties to attend to other than the stage itself."

You turn around, sensing your anxiety building up. You weren't the one for making friends but you preferred to stay on peoples good side. Just in case. And it looked like this guys opinion of you could affect the way others see you.

"Backstage work?"

"Among other things, yes."

"Fine. What do I need to do."

"For now, just follow me to my office we will continue our talk there."

Once in his office, your talks began. They started normally enough he told you he is looking for a certain kind of students to admit as members and briefly described how the clubs in the school operate. towards the end of your conversation the questions got slightly intrusive but you caught on to what he was doing and realised what he meant by certain kind of student. After thinking for a bit he spoke.

"You can work on the lights with Legoshi, it will get you integrated into the club faster."

This puts you at ease slightly. He tells you the time when the club activities take place and dissmisses you.

You go back to the dorm and got on your phone. This place had suprisingly fast internet which was a pleasant suprise.

Next morning on your way out of the cafeteria Legoshi got your atention.

"Hey, um, do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, what is it"

"Louis told me that we will work together from now on"

"Yeah, I hope that won't be a problem"

"N-no, no not at all, we recently recieved new equipment and I could use some help, not only that but I, um, think we get along well so I'm looking foward to working with you.

*Damn. He's cute.* "Thanks, I do too."

"Whats your next class?"


"Ah, mine as well."

"We are supposed to head to the club right after school, yes? Is it okay if we go together?"


After the classes are over, you and Legoshi make your way to the club and upon entering a pelican makes his way to you two.

"You must be the new member, [Y/N], right?"


"Nice to meet you, I'm the supervisor of this club, let's get you introduced to the rest of the members."

*Oh  B O I  here we go*

"Well everyone, this is the new member, [Y/N].


"You're a human right?" Someone from the crowd spoke up.


"Are you a carnivore or a herbivore?"

"I'm an omnivore, without evolutional 'urges'. Can't see in the dark very well, my hearing is that of an volcano eruption victim compared to your average carnivore but I will still die without eggs and dairy in my diet."

"Sorry to cut this short but we need to start getting prepared for the upcoming play. [Y/N], Legoshi should be able to show you the ropes"

You looked at Legoshi who beckoned you to follow him.

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