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Saturday morning. Tranquil through and through. You could be homeless, dying of collera and shitting yourself to death and this time would still be  at least a little calming. You didn't need to stop your grabby hands anymore since last night. Suddenly you feel him licking the place he bit you without moving from your shoulder.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, pup."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I would have probably bitten you a few times too, but there is something about humans and oral contact with fur that just doesn't work." You reach down and start playing with his tail. As you touched it, he started squirming.

"What? Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"It's fine, you don't have to stop."

"Don't say that, if I do something that makes you uncomfortable, then tell me." You pull his tail towards you, making him back arch and stick out his ass. You slapped it and copped a feel as he was suppressing a few moans and grunts. "Or I might end up doing something you really won't like." Then you heard a knock at the door, making you pull away instantly.

"Yes grandpa?"

"You guys want breakfast?"

"Sure, we will be right there."

Legoshi looked back at you dissaprovingly. You immediatelly smiled at the sight of your grumpy pupper. So you reached up at cupped his face into your hands.

"Whaaaat~? I just don't want you to force yourself into things. I want my wolfie to be happy~"

His expression calmed as he lowered his head and planted a kiss on your lips, then placed it back on your shoulder. He really seemed to like it when you dragged your nails on his back so you did that until you decided to get up. Later that morning, Legoshi and you were messing around on his laptop as he assumed one of his favourite positions, muzzle on your shoulder, nibbling and licking you from the back occasionaly.

"Do you want to do anything else before we go play peeping Tom tonight?"

"I dunno." He seems to be too busy grooming you. You were kind of encouraging him with kisses, so you couldn't blame him.

"Wanna stay here all day?"

"I dunno." 

*Well, someone has a funny side to them.* "What? Gonna slather your spit on me all day?"

That made him grind to a halt and start licking his muzzle. You looked back at him and saw a dissapointed look on his face.

"I didn't tell you to stop." That made his calm down. He looked at you and pushed his muzzle into you like you would expect from a feline.

"Is there a name for human patches of hair?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, do you call all this a mane too, like lions do?"

"Oh, well, this is called hair, these are eyebrows, this is moustache and beard. No pressure, you don't have to remember all of them."

"Can we play fetch later?"

"Of course. I got you a few new balls. You can pick." You could hear his tail thump against his bed.

The following night, same positions. The two of you speculated that their procedures might be different during weekends. Surely enough, someone exited the establishment several hours after closing, disposing of a bunch of trash. Nothing unusual, you even saw the same person leave later. Probably a janitor. After some time you decided to sample any ash and a few liquids you came across in the dumpster. Gouhin told you that he had medical and chemical equipment left over from the market days. While you were doing that Legoshi was listening in. Luckly enough, there were no cameras. One could argue that that was so that they don't shoot themselves in the foot if they get into legal trouble. Soon you returned to your spot and waited while observing. Same again. Some powertools and a raggedy van pulled up. This time, though, the shipping boys entered, with no visible baggage. That probably meant that somebody was not going to have a morning steak. Surely enough, there were muffled screams and suppressed gunshots. That was all the proof you needed. As you heard them coming back out, you signaled Legoshi to duck behind the wall. There is no way they weren't going to be more observant of their surroundings. You heard them bring something into the van and drive away. When you peeked out, everything was as if nothing ever happened. Then Legoshi approached the door and listened in once again. It was quiet. You came up as well and opened the door and took a look inside. You handed Legoshi a pair of gloves and continued inside. You made it down the corridor and was met with a isolation door that was wide open. But you debated stepping in, on the account of all the blood. upon taking a look inside, you saw a door on the right of the entrance and decided to make your way to that door, avoiding blood puddles that probably came from the handfull of corpses that you assumed were removed from the slaughter house. Before you made it to the door Legoshi diverted your attention towards some liquid that was on fire on the opposite side of the large chamber. You decided to work quickly. You opened the door to what appeared to be a refridgeration unit, with a few herbivore bodies still untouched. Some were chained, which probably meant that a few were being kept alive, probably to last longer. You checked for pulse and breathing and beckoned Legoshi over. He was visibly devastated by the sight in the ref unit but still listened to you. He picked up two of the living ones while you carried another, and the fourth dude was still good to walk once he warmed up by the conveniently spreading fire. You got them out of there and behing the wall, making sure to only close the backdoor, leaving the basement door as you found it, you were fine with the place burning down, but still needed time to call Gouhin for a lift before everyone spotted it. You did as planned. Few minutes later you heard a much nicer looking van pull up and you chucked the fridge platoon inside before entering yourself and driving away. After explaining the situation to Gouhin, he kept quiet, as if he was debating something.

"A few places like this have been shot down, authorities doing their best to keep it quiet."

"Probably explains the rumours."

"Don't do this kind of crap on your own from now on, either tell me, or just let it slide and let someone more qualified handle it, you understand?

"Don't worry, we only took this on because it was close to Legoshis place. He didn't want his neighbours endangedred."


When you snuck back to Legoshis home, and into him room, you turned to him, pretty much instantly.

"Hey, are you okay?" You didn't immediatelly touch him, making sure he had space if he needed it.


"Yeah?" You put your hand on his cheek and ran your thumb back and forth, to test the waters.


"Okay. Let's sleep."

The next morning, Legoshi, Gosha and you watched the news, the fire ate away at the restaurant everywhere where water sprinklers didn't reach. There was footage of the place still on fire from last night, the fire department didn't get there in time. You were a bit anxious about what will get uncovered down there.

"Beautiful places are still beautiful even when they burn, but the ugly ones? Those stay ugly until they are raised to the ground."


"Just stealling a quote from a movie I watched."

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