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For a while you and Legoshi did your best to ask as many students about what they knew but to no significant avail.

"Um, [Y/N]?"


You two talked while cuddling after you snuck him into your dorm.

"I thought maybe we should tell someone what we are doing, get more help."

"No point, what can they do that we can't, besides, we risk telling the perpetrator that he is being looked for... Then again, since it is most likely someone from the drama club, we could spill it and see who reacts."

"What if the person we are looking for comes for us?"

"Unless he jumps you, you will have enough time to evade them and make a note of their behaviour. If we are lucky, over time, desperation will build and they just might get more desperate and obvious."

You ended up hinting at it casualy, since nothing else was working, trying to see if anyone budged. This was all you allowed him to do, not wanting to stard a fight among the clubmembers. Sometime later you get a text from Legoshi, asking you to get to a very secluded place. Something wasn't right, especialy because you talked about not going anywhere dark and secluded alone. You picked up a few old used up pens and hid them around your clothing before going out discreetly, knowing you were at a disadvantage.

When you made your way there you saw him. How did this happed? Why did he let it happen? He had his arms tied up, barely holding his phone. The state of his clotnes showing you that he too was at a disadvantage in the fight, if you could even call it that. You untied his arms in silence after checking that nobody was out to backstab you and laid him flat on the ground looking for injuries. Nothing seemed broken.

"Were you hit in the head?"

"He hit the back of my head against a wall."

"Then, is your vision fine?" You turn hit head to the side, not wanting him to lay on the impacted area and removed his blindfold.


"Then you will be fine, I think... Could you tell who it was? At least approximate shoe size, shoulder shape or height?"

"He was huge."

"Bigger than Bill?"

"Definately didn't feel like Bill at all, felt heavier too."

"I see, so, you concluded male, then?"

"He panthed a few times, had a deep voice."

"It could only be Riz, in that case. You said he was someone close to Tem, his height also fluctuated around that time, I noticed, so he probably wasn't on his suppresants."

"I know a way we can confirm this."


"I tasted his saliva, we can compare it to the clubmembers waterbottles."

"...I like. But tell me just how exactly do you know how his spit tasted."

"I had no other sence to go off of so I had gone for taste, since I have a cold. I'm sorry."

You looked at him emotionlessly. "Explains your weird voice lately. Can you walk?"


As he sat up you kneeled above his legs and kissed him. "I love you."

"...I love you too."

You stayed like that, in each others arms, still keeping an eye out.

The next day you met up with Legoshi.

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