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It was a lousy day. After you were done chatting with Gosha you snuck Legoshi into your dorm. You didn't get to check him for injuries too well, other that his eye and a few other obvious ones. You also really wanted to touch him. So you got to work, starting from his head and going down to his torso. He caught on to what you were doing so he didn't say anything about it and let you do your thing.

"How did the security guard know where to look for us?"

"Probably the gunshots, wouldn't suprise me if he was on stand by waiting for the shots fired." You moved on to his back, removing his shirt. "I really thought I was going to lose you when I found you after you've been ambushed. I know I probably didn't show it, I wanted to make sure you weren't dying first."

"I understand. I'm glad you kept calm, it meant you cared just as much." You hugged him from the back, starting to kiss his neck while reaching for his belt. "Wait!"

"Nothing Vatican wouldn't approve of, I promise, that comes whenever you're ready. Just being thorough." You dropped his pants, leaving his underwear on. After that, you sat him down on your bed and took off the gauze above his eye. Rizes claws tore flesh, meaning it was probably gonna scar. *That fucking bear...*

"Is it bad?"

You backed away calmly. "Go take a look in a mirror." He does as you said, looking at the mirror and getting a bummed out expression on his face. "Looks badass, but the stigma will be a bitch"

"Yeah. At least my eye is fine."

He sits on your bed, huching over. After a few seconds you lift his head and take another look at the scar before cupping his head into your arms and kissing his nose. Then you push him to lay down and snuggle up next to him, putting an arm over his shoulder.

"Stay the night. Please."

It's morning. You don't have to worry about school since it's Saturday. Legoshi was still next to you. Guess he was already awake since he immediately looks up at you, licking his upper lip and nose like a cat. How precious.

"Good morning."

"Mornin' puppy... Second time in a row I wake up with you on top of me. You like being spoiled?"

His tail starts wagging. "Mhm."

You start petting him all over and pull him closer for a kiss. After your lips part you look into his eyes. He rarely looks so peaceful. *Did I do that?* "Got somewhere to be today?"

"I don't think so."

"Good. Wanna spend the day with me?"

"Of course."

You stayed together in bed for a little longer before heading out to do whatever.

Later in the day you and Legoshi were munching on some sandwiches in the park when he seems to remember something.

"Uh, [Y/N]?"


"Um, my roommates started wondering why I'm not going to play fetch with them. I wanted to tell you before I told them anything."

"It's okay if you tell them the truth. No need to lie to them if they're your friends. Just stop answering questions when they get too invasive."


"Don't worry about it, just make sure they understand the situation. That should suffice." He nods. You look at him for a few moments, then you put your head on his shoulder making his tail wag. "Gimme a second and we can play fetch if you want."

The next day you were in your dorm room when you get a knock on your door.


Legoshi enters with a puzzled look on his face. I mean, if it were anyone else you would be feeling troubled in this situation.

"Hey, Lego."

"Hi. I... have something to ask of you.


"My roommates wanted to meet you, uh, you definately saw eachother in school before so they wanted to talk to you."

"Are they at your dorm?" He nods to that question, his face expecting an answer. "Hmmm... come here first, cuddle me for a few minutes."

After that you went to the carnivore male dorm with Legoshi and and pretty soon you found yourself in front of several canines of various sizes. Like seriously, the smallest fits in your hand and the tallest towers over most average basketball players. I'm cutting this short, the pocket dog is Voss, comicaly large mop is Collot, golden retriever, the one pretty much leading the conversation, was Jack, and that leaves unremarkable one, and unremarkable two, Miguno and Durham respectively. You talked for some time, well, mostly answered questions, then played table games and then you left, leaving Legoshi and the others in their habitat, on a good note.

*I don't know how to feel about this. They seem pretty close. Will Legoshi be able to make time for both them and me?*

Not paying attention to what was going on while listening to music on your bed, thinking and playing with that damn ball, you notice that Legoshi is kneeling next to your bed, watching you patiently. He wasn't in the room when you first got there. You look at him in silence for a few seconds, as he looks at you too. You pull out one earbud so you could hear him.

"Were you waiting long?" Your question confuses him. "I seriously didn't notice you, sorry." He leans into your hand as you start carressing his cheek.

"It's fine."

"What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to spend time with you."

"I'm glad." You sit up so that he is between your legs and pepper kisses on his forehead. Not wanting him to have to kneel the entire time you pull him into your lap, facing you.

"Does my puppy want to play fetch?"

He looks away blushing. "Yeah."

After playing for a bit in your regular spot, he sits down to rest. This time you decided to put your heart into it, running to a different spot while Legoshi goes for the ball, so you were winded yourself and sat next to him. You've noticed something interesting. Because of his reserved nature, majority of the time won't directly ask for affection, unless you're feeling under the weather, instead he will be warrying  degrees of subtle about it. Staring at you funny, touch you with his tail while looking at nothing, inching closer to you, that kind of stuff. You couldn't help but be happy that he was just as needy as you, so you endulged him everytime.

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