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"Oh, hey."

"You usually sit alone so... Want to sit with my roommates and me on breakfasts from now on?"

"Okay." *Not too thrilled with the idea but if he wants it...*

Last weekend Legoshi went to visit his gandpa, so you didn't get to see him much during the weekend but eh. As you sat down with his friends he turned to you, handing you an A4 enveloupe. "My grandpa wanted you to have this."

"What's inside?"

"I don't know, he didn't want me to open it." That is when you noticed a message on the other side of the enveloupe. 

"Hey, [Y/N]! This enveloupe is supposed to come into your hands unopened. If that's not the case, make sure to scold Legoshi for peeking. Enjoy!!!"

*Wait, is this... I will open it at the dorm, just in case.* You look up at him.

"Thank you."

From then on the day  was normal, so after the club activity you got to your dorm and immediately opened the envelope.

*Oh. My. God.*

Your eyes were blessed with a couple of A4 paper printed copies, all full of Legoshis pictures arranged to fit on the paper. From 3 to 10-ish years of age. You wanted to keep this a secret, but you also didn't want Legoshi to feel weird about you recieving a 'top secret file' from his grandpa, hell, you and Gosha really only met recently, but it is possible that Legoshi talked about you when speaking to him. You take a picture of each of the papers and hide them the best you can, just in case Legoshi gets any ideas. Next day, first class with Legoshi, as you sat next to him, you opened one of the pictures on your phone and set it in between you. Nobody else could see it because you purposefully sat closer. But he noticed. And instantly looked at you with a distressed expression.

"Don't worry, I'm not spreading this around, this is for my eyes alone, just thought you would like to know what I got yesterday."  He looked away somewhat pouty. You smiled and put your hand on his. "Sooorryyy~ It was all your grandpas thoughtful action, we didn't talk about it since that cafe, it was a christmas morning for me when I opened the envelope."

"Ah... I wasn't angry..."

You put away your phone with a smile, continuing your work for the day.

You were hanging around some flowers outside when you heard someone arguing. Not wanting to miss out on good entertainment you nonchalantly peeked around the corner. You only saw Haru. Confused, you looked around a bit more and saw that she was getting stuff thrown at her from one of the windows. You DID overhear some rumors about her being promiscuous. Was this because of that? You walked closer, seeing as the fire ceased. She noticed you, looking in your direction, but just as she did, you pointed upwards for her to see a entire fucking matress being thrown out. It didn't hit her, and it seemed that the radical moving company was done for the day, so you approached her.

"What was that about?"

"I'm fine, it happens all the time."

"Why?" You gave her a monotone reply knowing as she obviously didn't want simpathy.

She stayed silent. But before she could do anything you picked up her small matress and a few notebooks.

"I didn't ask for help, you know."

You decided to play her game. "It's either yours and you want it back up there, or it's not and it's going into the trash. So which is it?"

She looks away with a calmer expression. "Everything they threw was mine..."

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