Prologue | The End

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She entered the guild, giving smiles to the members who greeted her.

He slang his arm around her shoulders—having stood up from his seat, seeing her enter—as she was making her way to the bar.
He gave her a toothy grin and she gave a soft smile in return. A smile she only gives to him.

He muttered something into her ear, his warm breath hitting her earlobe, causing shivers of pleasure to run along her pale colored skin.
Her cheeks flushed red at his statement, making him smirk in triumph and sastifaction

The duo reached the bar. She asked for her usual drink and the young man asked for his usual food. As they waited for their orders, his right hand—not the one on her shoulders—reached her left hand. He started to play with her fingers, then stopped upon the ring finger.
He smiled to himself when a thought crossed his mind.

Their order arrived and they took their stuff—the boy having to let go of her hand and take his arm off her shoulders. They walked away towards a table and sat down.

The young woman sipped her strawberry smoothie while the young man ate his food.

Their friends came after some time and they chatted happily. Talking about their previous mission who ended up in a disaster as they had to pay the damages with the reward money.
They laughed when they mocked the two boys who were rivals but friends nevertheless.

Even though they destroy their surroundings most of the time and they sometimes bicker amongst themselves—They are the strongest.
Night fell upon the sky, the moon shinning brightly, putting the street lamps to shame.

The group of friends were still in the guild, however they were not chatting together. Some of them left a while ago to chat with some other friends. The young man and woman were once again alone—well... as alone as they can be with their exceed friend eating a raw fish.

Suddenly, the boy stopped laughing and stood up from his seat. She looked at him confused and worried. The young man stood before her, staring down at her with seriousness that wasn't really normal to him.

Her eyes widened when he went on one knee and pulled out a black box, opening it to reveal a beautiful shiny ring.

She gasped, her hands covering her mouth in shock. Tears brimmed the corner of her eyes.

"Do you want to be mine forever?" he asked her.
Nothing has he said before was that sexy and romantic.
"Yes." she breathed out as the tears started to fall down her eyes.

He grabbed her left hand and put the ring on her finger.
They both stood up, kissing each other deeply and everyone in the guild who had stopped doing whatever they were doing when they saw the boy go on his knee, shouted in excitement.

She was now his and he was her's.

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