Chapter 15 | The Old Team Natsu

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Indeed, when the members who went to see if the Sabertooth members were alright and came back, telling them that they were nowhere to be seen, they all knew that Lucy had told the truth.

The guild master, Makarov had refused for his children to do anything with Monster considering how dangerous that thing was, but he knew that he had to let them go or else everything would finish into a bloodbath.

So now, the Fairy Tail members: Natsu, Erza, Gray, Happy, Wendy and Carla, also including Lucy from Sabertooth, were making a trip to save their friends and end Monster once and for all.

The problem had gone too far.
The mages were seated in the train on their way to the Heartfilia estate. Lucy was seated by the window with Natsu's head in her lap as he tried to contain his sickness. In front of her sat Gray and Happy and on the adjacent seat beside theirs were Erza, Wendy (who also had motion sickness) and Carla.

Lucy had her head leaned against the cool glass, her eyes closed and her fingers going through Natsu's soft hair.

She didn't know why but she felt as if her gestures were some sort of habit; a habit she had forgotten but that was still branded in her memory.

Somewhere along the way of the train ride, Lucy must have fallen asleep because the blond woke up to something that felt like a memory.
Her heart was beating with extreme happiness and excitement as she watched the mages of Fairy Tail start to brawl over nothing. Beside her was the famous beauty Mirajane with a charming smile on her face.
Lucy was such a fan of hers, it only made her heart beat faster to be beside her.

Then a guy with black hair and dark blue eyes asked her for her clothes because he was nude from the bottom up.

Lucy couldn't hear exactly anything, it was more a deduction. A memory... 

She knew she said something back and that she was trying her best to look away from his nude self.

Afterwards, the scene changed.

She was given a pink guild mark on the back of her right hand. She then proceeded to show it to a pink haired male who barely looked at her and stated her name wrong.

After that scene many more came in as fast as a torrent. So many adventures, hardships, and a lot of trouble came back to her.

It then ended at the battle where they defeated Acnologia.
Lucy woke up in a gasp and her hand automatically went to her head. She felt a twinge of pain and bit back a small yelp.

How come she was remembering all of that now? Was it Ambrose's doing? Did he know that they were coming?

Lucy didn't like that. Not one bit.

Gray, then, noticed that Lucy had become paler than usual. "Lucy, are you alright?"

Lucy looked up at him. "Yeah, I'm fine..." She looked down at Natsu, glanced at Erza, Wendy - who was green in the face - and Carla, at Happy, then back at Gray. "We'll easily be able to defeat Jacob since Natsu and I already managed to do it once," Lucy started. "We don't know who else Ambrose has, but if we look at the people he sent, it will probably be someone from the Spriggan 12 that still hates us."

Gray's eyes widened. "Lucy..."

Lucy catched the look Gray was giving her and the two female wizards from the adjacent seat noticed Gray's change of voice.

Lucy sighed. "I remember..." She glanced at all of them. "I remember everything up to defeating Ancologia and I think that Ambrose gave those memories back to distract all of us from defeating him."

At the news, Gray involuntarily got teary-eyed. Gray was one of the few who immediately clicked with Lucy when she first arrived at the guild. He didn't know why, but he had found it easy to hang out with her so he soon found out that he cared about her deeply that he would worry over her safety. Gray knew it was the same with Erza and it definitely is with Natsu and Happy since they were the ones who brought her to the guild and who immediately became good friends with her.

Gray had to take a deep breath to dry his eyes. "So you mean, you don't remember anything afterwards? If you were in any relationships?"

Lucy raised an eyebrow at the last question but shook her head nevertheless. "I apologize but I don't."

Gray sighed. "It's fine you don't need to apologize."

From her seat, Erza spoke up. "Natsu will be too excited and happy once he knows of this which will make him extremely distracted from the mission." She glared at everyone, especially Happy who had been too stunned to speak. "So we'll keep it from him until we are finished with the mission. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded, none wanted to oppose Erza's orders and especially Lucy considering she just remembered how scary the redhead can be.

"However, on that fact..." Erza gazed at Lucy and smiled. "I am glad you remember some of your memories Lucy."

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