Chapter 6 | Neinhart

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The purple haired man looked up at the cracked stoned ceiling. He took in every crack, every little pebble between those cracks—every single detail.
The man had nothing better to do, simply because he was stuck in a prison cell where he couldn't even use his magic.

He really wanted to use his magic.

He has been imprisoned in there ever since the war. Since Alvarez lost against Fairy Tail and the other Ishgar guilds.

Fairy Tail.

The thought of them made him clench his fists tightly.
He never thought—they never thought that they were that strong. Their lord did tell them, but they hadn't really taken it seriously.

And that red haired maiden and her boyfriend.

That thought made him even angrier. He clenched both of his fists even tighter, making his knuckles turn white and his nails stab his palm.

The red haired maiden has surprised him by defeating his historias, but then... the blue haired man... He defeated him in one attack.

And his luck was so bad that he eventually got captured even though he was in the sea.

He's now there, rotting away in a prison cell where using his magic is impossible. He has a feeling he will always be imprisioned in that old cracked stoned magicless cell.

"Dinner's here."

The purple haired man glanced at the man who put down the plate of disgusting prison food down on the floor, sliding it in between the bars.

"Better savour it," the man said as he stood up. "Because it will be your last." And the man walked away with a grin on his face.

A grin of malice.
The guard led the two mages to Neinhart's cell. The heels of their shoes echoed in the silent hall. They could hear something drip onto the stone floor from the cracked ceiling.

"Be careful, he's dangerous." the guard warned as he started taking his keys out like they were apporoaching Neinhart's cell.
"We know." Lucy uttered before Natsu could say anything stupid. She had a feeling he would and she doesn't know why.

It seemed she doesn't know much.

The guard only nodded. The mages eyes on the guard, stared as he stopped in front of Neinhart's cell and froze when he looked up, his keys falling to the ground with a clang.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked and followed the guards stare.

Neinhart's cell was empty.
"I don't understand where he could have gone." Erza said as she took a seat in front of Lucy. "I told Jellal about it, but he doesn't know anything either. He didn't even know that Neinhart has escaped."
"From what the guard told us, the last person who saw him was the man who gave him his food." Lucy told her. "But that was yesterday."
"Who was that man?" Gray asked, he was standing with his arms crossed over his bare chest as he lost his shirt somewhere.
"They don't know." Natsu said, his arms crossed too, standing beside Gray.

They stayed there in silence for a moment.

"It could be Monster." Rogue suggested.
Lucy nodded in agreement. "It could have been him. But how did he even get Neinhart out of there?"
"His magic," Sting answered from behind Lucy.
"His magic?" Erza wondered.
"It's hard to explain," Sting told them. "But his magic is nothing I've ever seen before. It's like... it doesn't come from this world."

Gray sighed, ruffling his hair. "This isn't going anywhere." he mentioned.

"But it will." Lucy said and motioned the book in front of her. The book with no title.

"What's that?" Sting asked.
"A book," Lucy responded, facepalming.
"Yeah I know... Where did you get it?"
"At my old house."

"What's it about?" Rogue asked as he stepped closer towards Lucy from behind her so he could see the cover better.
"Well like I have a hard time remembering some things in my past, I decided to go get this album."

Silence rang throughout the empty closed guild of Sabertooth. All of them knew why Lucy has a hard time remembering her past.

"And how will the album help?" Sting asked, breaking the silence.
Lucy shrugged. "Like he was fimilar to me when I met him, I thought he could have been in there somewhere."
"There's no guarantee." Rogue uttered.
"I know," Lucy sighed. "But it's better than nothing."

"Then let's look at it." Natsu said.
Neinhart glared at the shadowed man, his hands out in protection. "I did what you wanted me to, let me go now."
"But I am not holding you." the man said, smiling at the purple haired man, tilting his head to the side. "You are here on your own accord. You are a free man."

Neinhart glared at the man harder as anger started to boil up to his throat.

"I'm not lying." the man randomly said. "By helping me, you get your revenge."

Neinhart stared at him silently. His rage started to disappear and his hands to lower.

"I'm sure you want your revenge... Don't you?"

Neinhart grinned, his teeth gleaming in the moonlight. A pure look of a corrupted man in his purple eyes.

"Yes I do."

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