Chapter 19 | The Celestial and The Dragon

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Natsu and Lucy have been fighting against the sleeping magic that keeps surrounding Hypnos as they try to beat him.

Everytime one of them tries to fall asleep, they would hurt themselves in order to stay wide awake. However, with that method, they started to lose energy because of their wounds.

"Damn it..." Natsu growled, his eyes drooping once more.

"We have to beat him in one attack, but it's impossible when even though we're far from him we can't think straight nor have the strength to keep standing," Lucy said, clenching her teeth.

"I told you, I am a god, no one can defeat me!" Hypnos exclaimed, a huge smirk stretching across his face.

Natsu clicked his tongue and Lucy glared at the god.

"Everyone is defeatable," Natsu stated.

"We defeated all our enemies before, everyone who underestimated us. You'll be another one from a long list," Lucy said.

"You overestimate yourselves," Hypnos declared. "I am above you mortals."

"Then we'll have to be above you," Lucy and Natsu proclaimed at the same time.

"You want 'angelic' celestial blood?" Lucy said.

"Then we'll give it to you," Natsu finished.

Magic power surrounded Lucy as a golden aura outlined her body.

"Star Dress of the 10 Zodiacs," she uttered, as the light shined brighter.

When the light died down, a whole new look suited her. Her brown eyes glowed a weak golden color, and in her left eye, all the Zodiac keys she possessed, their signs were inscribed in it. Her golden long blond hair seemed lighter in color, and tied into a braid; in her braid there were small glittering stars that shone from the sunlight. As for her outfit, she wore surprisingly simplistic clothing.

 As for her outfit, she wore surprisingly simplistic clothing

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Natsu grinned at her. "Celestial Fire Mode." Soon after saying those words, fire erupted around him with glittering stars.

Natsu never thought that the incident with the Zodiacs would be helpful in the future.

Natsu and Lucy took hands as their magic grew and mixed together. While their magic molded together, Hypnos widened his eyes and strengthened his sleeping aura.

Natsu and Lucy blinked their eyes in hopes to stay awake a little longer. Trying to make this quick, both of them raised their free hands, palms opened, as they concentrated all their energy in their hands.

"Celestial Disaster." The magic of the Stars rushed towards the god and hit him full force.

Hypnos screamed, as the celestial magic devoured him.

As for Lucy and Natsu, Lucy's form vanished and both mages collapsed, as the tiredness overcame completely, neither of them able to fight against the sleeping spell.

"Natsu! Lucy!" Happy yelled, making his way towards them.

"Happy don't!" Lucy uttered weakly, however it was too late, Happy fell face first into the ground and started snoring.

Just then, the others came, Sting and Rogue being helped by Gray and Erza.

"Don't come guys!" Natsu exclaimed as he let out a yawn.

The mages stopped at his orders, somewhat confused by his request until they took notice of how tired the couple looked; that including Happy who was still snoring.

Weakly standing up, Natsu helped her the best he could, before lying on the ground. Lucy feebly made her way towards Hypnos who was on his back on the hard ground still feeling the after effects of the attack.

She fell to her knees beside him and took the dagger he had in his possession. She brought it to her palm and let the blade slide against her skin. She hissed in pain, pulling the dagger away and closing her hand.

"Open your mouth," Lucy ordered, and Hypnos, still too weak from their attack, did as she said.

Lucy brought her hand above his mouth and squeezed her hand, letting her warm red blood flood into his mouth. Pulling away once her wound had stopped bleeding, Lucy let go of the dagger and fell unconscious beside him.


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