Chapter 3 | Monster

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Josh explained everything. To where Monster knocked at his door asking for help to when he tied Josh up and stashed him in the closet in his room.
Josh also explained how he never asked a request of help from a guild.
He said that from what he counted, it has been at least two weeks that he has been in that closet.
Monster would feed him everyday and he would also give him water and let him go to the bathroom to relieve and wash himself.

Lucy asked him if he knew about Monster's goal. Josh apologized telling him he had no idea. He told her that Monster never talked to him other than saying he could go to the bathroom.

Lucy nodded, sighing.

Who was Monster exactly and what was his goal? Those two questions needed answers immediately.
Why did he create a quest for Sabertooth?
All healed, Lucy sat on the bed of the hotel room she rented looking at the twin dragons grimly.

"You let him go?" Lucy asked again just to be sure she heard right.
Sting nodded with a frown. "We're sorry, he escaped us."
"We've never saw magic like that before." Rogue added.

Lucy sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

"Why do you want to find him?" Sting asked, really curious. "We could leave and go back to Sabertooth like the job was a fake."
Lucy shook her head. "We need to know why he created a request and there's even more questions who need answers." Lucy explained.
"It can't be that important." Sting told her.
"It is." Lucy argued.
"It is not." Sting disagreed.
"It is... I need to know why I have the feeling I saw him before." Lucy muttered.

Sting and Rogue glanced at each other.

Lucy sighed. "Nevermind, we already lost him anyways."

Lucy lied down and turned her back to the two boys, her head resting on the pillow.
Rogue shook her awake when they arrived at their destination.
Lucy stretched her arms over her head and stood up. She followed the boys groggily out of the train, walking behind them the whole way.

When they stopped and Lucy bumped into their backs, she looked up and widened her eyes.

"What are we doing here?" she asked as she stared at the Fairy Tail guild.
"We're here to talk with friends." Sting told her and opened the door. Sting walked in, followed by Rogue and Lucy.

The Fairy Tail members greeted the twin dragon slayers enthusiastically, but when they noticed that another blond was with them, their faces contorted into sadness.

"Yo Natsu!" Sting greeted the fire dragon slayer, waving at him.
"Hey Sting." Natsu greeted back, turning around to face the light dragon slayer, however he paused and went rigid when his eyes fell upon Lucy.

Lucy stepped forward, giving Natsu a smile. "Hi I'm Lucy Heartfilia." she introduced herself, her hand out.
Natsu stared blankly at her, tears falling down his eyes
Lucy looked at him confused, letting her hand fall at her side. "Are you alright?" she asked, stepping closer to him, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Natsu didn't move, still comprehending—still shocked.

Lucy wrapped her arms around him to comfort him. Though she didn't understand why he was crying, she didn't press and decided to reassure him the best as she could.

"Lucy," Sting said. "Let him go."
Reluctant, Lucy let him go, stepping back.

Why did his warmth feel familiar?

"I'm sorry, Natsu. I know that I'm not supposed to bring her here, but it was urgent." Sting told him.
Natsu blinked, regaining his senses. "It's fine." he lied. "What did you want to know?
Sting shifted on his feet, he didn't feel uncomfortable before, but now he did. "Do you know anyone named Monster?"

Sting nodded.

Natsu's hand reached the back of his head and he scratched it, his eyes narrowing as he tried to remember if he ever met someone called Monster before. It was possible he did, just as it was possible he forgot about ever meeting a guy named Monster. Asking stuff like that to Natsu isn't the most brilliant of ideas.

"No, I don't think so..." Natsu uttered. "Why? Who is he?"
"He's someone who seems to know Lucy." Rogue answered, having been quiet all this time.
"He knows Lucy?" Natsu exclaimed in total shock.

Lucy was confused as to why he said her name like he said it more than once. Like he knows her more than anyone, however she doesn't ask, deciding to be quiet instead because it seems she did something to him that she doesn't remember to the fire dragon slayer for him to be so sad when he utters her name.

"Hey Gray!" Natsu shouted to the ice maker wizard who was hanging out with his girlfriend.
"What do you want fire-breath?" Gray asked as he peeled away from Juvia and walked towards Natsu and the group of Sabertooth members, his hands shoved in the pockets of his black pants.
Natsu—surprisingly—ignored the insult. "Do you know any Monster?"
"Why would I know any monster?" Gray said, confused. "I beat them up. I don't play dolls and have tea with 'em."
"No, you fucking idiot! It's a guy. His name is Monster."
"Oh," Gray said and started to narrow his eyes just like Natsu did earlier, trying to remember if he ever met a guy named Monster. "I don't think so..."

Sting sighed, disappointed. "I thought you guys would know, like he seemed to know Lucy."

Lucy pursed her lips and stepped away from the group without getting noticed as the boys started to talk about Monster. She walked over towards the staircase and walked up the steps. Once she reached the second floor, she made her way over to the office door and knocked.

"Come in."

Lucy turned the knob and entered, closing the door behind her.

Behind the desk sat an old man in a wheelchair. His features were wrinkled, showing how old he is.
The old man looked up. His eyes widened when he saw Lucy.

"Lucy," he breathed out.

Lucy tilted her head to the side, confused to why he knew her name but didn't pry. Instead she asked, "I have a question, sir."

Getting out of his stupor, Makarov nodded. "Go ahead, child."
"Do you know any man named Monster?"
Makarov hummed as he racked his brain, trying to remember if he ever knew about a man named like that. The name was familiar to him, however. "Why would you want to know, child?"
"Because he seemed to know me when I met him." Lucy answered.
"You met him?" Makarov shouted in surprise and concern. "Did he hurt you?"
"Umm... no." Lucy replied. "So do you know him?"
"Yes, I heard of him."
Lucy perked up. "Can you tell me who he is?"
Makarov hummed again, his fingers going through his beard. "Nobody knows his actual name. It is said that he was once an assassin, a God and so many other things, but one can know which one is true."
"A God?"
Makarov nodded. "It is said that he is the God of Manipulation, but that is only rumours."
"What's his powers? His magic?"
Makarov shrugged. "No one knows child. He's a total mystery for everyone, even Zeref."
"Yes... I have heard from... that Zeref was trying to know who exactly Monster is."
"And he didn't find anything."
Makarov shooked his head. "If he did, he told no one." Makarov told her. "It doesn't matter, child. He is very dangerous, be careful."

Lucy nodded and turned around, leaving the office.

What a mystery that man is... To even have the legendary black wizard ask who he is...

Who can I ask now?

She could have asked Zeref, she isn't afraid of him, but she can't because he's dead. Acnologia is the same, however she's scared of him unlike Zeref. Who else is old and lived many years?

Of course, him.

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