Chapter 11 | "Amby!"

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Lucy crouched down in front of the yellow flowers, looking at them with a huge smile on her lips. Her doll, Gonzales, was tucked under her arm; she goes almost everywhere with her which made her mother tell her to let Gonzales in her room as to not shear her or dirty her too much.

Of course Lucy doesn't always listen.

Lucy leaned forward to sniff them which caused a hum of contentment out of her. She reached forward and pulled out two flowers, then stood up.

Smiling down at the flowers in her hand, she started to run towards Ambrose who had been watching her silently some feets away.

"Amby!" she shouted as she ran to him. She stopped in her tracks and looked up at Ambrose with a huge smile that reached her eyes.

A small smile formed on Ambrose's lips and he crouched down to pick up the little girl. Lucy giggled as she was being picked up. Once Ambrose held her correctly, with Lucy's buttocks resting om his arm as support, Lucy handed out the two yellow flowers to Ambrose.

Ambrose looked at them with his green forest eyes and took them with his free hand. He turned the stems with his fingers, then he brought it to his nose to smell them.

"They smell like nature don't they?" Lucy asked as Ambrose lowered the flowers. "Like they have no fragrance, they catch the smell from outside."

Ambrose smiled a little at her. "Do you know which flower this is?" he asked her.

Lucy shook her head, and waited for him to respond.

"These are zinnias. The yellow ones means remembrance."
"Remembrance?" Lucy questioned, tilting her head to the side. "What is it do we need to remember?"

Ambrose smiled at her. "Nothing for the moment, but the time will come."

The white haired man put her down, and Lucy stared up at him, hugging Gonzales tightly to her chest. When Ambrose let out his hand for her to take, she took it and they started walking.

"How about we start your magic training?"

Lucy pouted. "I don't want to."
"But you'll be able to summon Aquarius. See how long you're able to make her stay in the human world."
Lucy brightened up at that and started to get impatient. "Let's hurry!"
There was a soft knock on her door; Lucy mumbled a faint 'come in', and Ambrose entered, closing the door behind him.

Lucy looked up at him, but immediately averted her gaze. "He made you come here to tell me that he married me off to someone, didn't he? He can't even say it to my face," Lucy mumbled the last part. "What a jerk."

"No," Ambrose whispered in a soft voice.

He walked up to her and sat at the edge of the bed, keeping some space between them. He looked up at her, staring at her a moment with his green eyes, remembering the smiling and cheery girl she used to be when her mother was alive, and the way she tried to keep that up even after her death. She tried to be herself with her father, but her father miserably treated her which caused her light to fade away little by little. However, Ambrose could see, when he was looking at her from a distance, how hard Lucy was trying to keep that light awake and powerful; she was succeeding, but if she wants it to grow bigger, she needs to leave.

"I only came here to say that you should follow your dreams," Ambrose uttered. "Don't restrict your life to do as he wants."

Ambrose stood up and made his way back towards the door to leave Lucy alone.

"Wait!" Lucy called out, sliding her legs off her bed.

The white haired man stopped mid-way from turning the doorknob and waited for Lucy to continue.

"What about you, Amby?"

Ambrose smiled and looked over his shoulder, his green forest eyes changing gold for a millisecond, but Lucy caught it and she was surprised; she was about to comment on it, but Ambrose spoke before her:

"You don't have to worry about it Lucy," he smirked lazily. "We'll meet again."
Lucy groaned as she sat up. She looked around and noticed that she was laying on a bed and that she was in the infirmary.

Suddenly, the door opened. She noticed Natsu with his pink hair, talking to someone from outside the room, when he finished he turned his attention to Lucy and noticed her staring at him and awake.

"Lucy!" he cried out, rushing towards her immediately. "Are you all right?" His hands hovered above her shoulder, wondering if he should touch her or not.

"I'm fine," Lucy replied. "Where's Zeref?"

Natsu frowned at her question, but answered nevertheless; "Outside."

"Can you tell him to come in, please?"

Natsu gritted his teeth and nodded. He made his way back towards the door and opened it up to tell his older brother to come inside as Lucy wanted to speak to him.

Zeref entered and made his way towards Lucy's bedside.

Natsu didn't know whether Lucy wanted to talk to Zeref alone or not, but he stayed in the room, not wanting to leave Lucy alone with the dead wizard, not after she just woke up.

"Are you okay Lucy?" Zeref asked.
"Yes... I remembered something..." Lucy replied.

Natsu perked up at that. "What did you remember?" he asked before Zeref could ask it.

"Ambrose." Lucy turned her head in Zeref's direction, looking into his black eyes. "Who is he exactly?"
Zeref shrugged. "As I told you before, I don't know exactly what he is, I just know he isn't human."

"His eyes flashed gold," Lucy uttered. "Just for a brief second..."
"It must have showed his true form - his true eye color," Zeref said.

Suddenly, Lucy felt a pain in her head and her hand massaged her temples.

Natsu immediately noticed her action and stepped forward. "Lucy, are you okay?"

An image appeared in front of her chocolate brown eyes - no, a memory - ,it was brief and the only thing Lucy could take in was golden wings.

"Is he a God or a Demon, perhaps?"

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