Chapter 7 | Locked

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Lucy flipped through the pages. A ton of photos flashed, pretty much all of them being her, her father and her mother. There were some times where she was with one of the celestial spirits—mostly Aquarius. There was also some photos that she was with some of the servants. Other than that, nothing.

Lucy sighed with exasperation and closed the book as she reached the last page which was blank.

The others felt her disappointent. They really thought there was something that was going to help them. Help them in knowing what Monster wanted.

"I don't understand..." Lucy muttered, putting her head in her hands.

"Where did you get that album?" Rogue asked.
"At my old house," Lucy answered confused, she thought she already told it to them before.
"No, I mean where in the house."
"In a secret room."

"A secret room?" Erza questioned, shocked and she straightened up in her seat. "Why in a secret room?"

Gray nodded in agreement.

"That's why I don't understand why there's nothing," Lucy replied. "I don't know why it was there, I just knew."
"Maybe there's a spell on it or something," Sting said with a shrug.

Everyone snapped their heads at Sting, even Lucy who turned around, staring up at him.

"What? Was it stupid?" Sting asked.
"No!" Lucy exclaimed, turning back around to look down at the album. "It's a brilliant idea!"
"Of course I'm brilliant," Sting said, a smirk appearing on his lips. His expression showed how big of himself he was at the moment. "It's my magic."

Lucy rolled her eyes and then closed them. She concentrated, trying to feel some sort of magic spell on the album. She almost gave up when she couldn't pick up anything, but at after more time she started to feel somthing unlock.

Lucy opened her eyes and saw the album start to shine. She gasped, the others gasping too.
The book floated in the air, hovering a few centimeters from the table. Then in a bright flash the album settled back on the table.

"Take a look at it," Sting told her impatiently, wanting to know what had changed inside.

Lucy gave him a glare from over her shoulder. She looked back down at the album and started to flip the pages. There was still the photos from earlier, but once she reached the last page who was blank earlier, it wasn't blank anymore, but had two photos.

"Monster," Sting breathed out from behind her, not believing it.

Monster was with her in the two photos. One he was holding her when she was younger with both of them smiling at the camera and the second it was of a photo where the both of them weren't aware they were being taken by photo. Again Lucy was young. They were in the garden of the Residence. Lucy was beside Monster and Monster was handing out a white rose to Lucy with a little soft smile.

"I... I don't remember..." Lucy mumbled, her hand reaching for her throbbing head.

The others stayed silent at her words, not bothering to add anything.

"You knew him," Gray said, stating the obvious.
"Of course you idiot," Natsu snarled, glaring at the ice maker wizard. "It doesn't take a genius."

And not surprisingly the two started to fight, throwing punches here and there.

"Come on guys..." Lucy said, making the two boys stop fighting.

"I think we should tell her," Rogue uttered out of nowhere.
Natsu stared at the shadow dragon slayer like he was crazy. "No."
"I agree with Rogue," Sting said. "We've waited long enough."

"What are you guys talking about?" Lucy asked, staring around at everyone who became more silent than silence. She was utterly confused by their banter. What did they know that she didn't know?

They all gave each other a look, pondering in silence.

Sting sighed and decided to do the honors because after all, these past two years, him and Lucy had gotten close like siblings.

"Your memories were erased."
He knew that his plan—everything he did— would all come down if Lucy were to remember.

She needs to forget.

He hated that he erased her memory. He hated it that she didn't remember him anymore.

She was the only one who didn't see him as a monster.

But what he hated most was that his dream won't come to reality.
That's why he did it and if he could come back in the past to change things, he wouldn't.

He would do it again and again.

He'll show all of them what a real monster is—no—he'll show them what's worse than a monster.

Because after all... what other word could be worse than 'MONSTER'?

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