Chapter 14 | Anger

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Natsu immediately stood up from his seat and made his way to the front doors of the guild. His heart was racing rapidly in his rib cage that he felt that it would burst out any second.

"What happened?" he asked, almost shouting at the exhausted Rufus.

He huffed and looked Natsu directly in the eyes. "We were attacked on our way to the train station."

The other members stopped what they were doing immediately after they heard Natsu shout 'who?'. They all looked in unison in the direction of the door and all felt different and multiple emotions, but one was certainly present in all of them:


Mira, who was behind the bar as per usual, made her way to the second floor to alert the master.

"It was a former member of the 13 Spriggans; Jacob Lessio."

At the mention of his name, boiling anger sung into Natsu's veins. To calm himself down, he took the unconscious Lucy into his arms and ran to the infirmary. Gray escorted Rufus there as well since the blond looked on the verge of collapse.

In the infirmary, Natsu laid Lucy down on the white bed. He looked at her scratched and peacful face, then tucked away a strand of her golden blond hair away from her face and as he did so, he lovingly caressed her cheek.

"Natsu..." Lucy mumbled almost inaudible, but with his dragon slayer hearing, Natsu heard it as clear as day.

"I'm here Luce," he told her, taking her right hand in his and squeezing it to not only comfort Lucy, but himself too.

Rufus entered and sat on the bed beside Lucy's and immediately fell unconscious. Soon after the memory-make mage, Wendy and Master Makarov entered the room. Wendy went to tend the two mages out of commission, as for Makarov he went to stand in his wheelchair beside Natsu.

"What happened?" he asked Natsu, trying to contain his anger as he watched Lucy breathe peacefully, but failing miserably.

"Jacob of the 13 Spriggans attacked them on their way to the train station," Natsu answered.

Makarov hummed. "Was there anyone else hurt apart from her and Rufus?"

Natsu shrugged. "I don't know." He squeezed Lucy's hand again once he remembered their friends. "Sting and Rogue must have been with them too."

Wendy moved to Lucy after finishing healing Rufus, at the same time Happy came in and flew to Lucy and sat down on her stomach.

He looked at her with a sad expression, tears at the corner of his eyes.

"Why did Jacob attack?" Makarov asked. "He couldn't possibly have a grudge against us."


Makarov's eyes widened. "What?"

Natsu glanced over his shoulder to stare at Makarov. "Monster." He gritted his teeth. "He has been trying to get a hold of Lucy for some days."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Natsu shrugged; he honestly didn't know why he or the others hadn't told Master Makarov about it.

"That man is dangerous, Natsu. I can't even call him a man." He gives Natsu a serious look; a father look. "Lucy must stay here until Monster is caught." He glanced at Rufus. "As for the Sabertooth wizards... I'll have Erza, Gray, Wendy and Carla see if they're fine."

When hearing her name, Wendy perked up. "Shouldn't we wait for them to wake up?"

"I'm afraid it will take too long and we'll be too late." He stared at Wendy. "Go now, seek Mest so it'll be faster."

Wendy nodded and walked out of the room to get the others.

Makarov looked at Lucy one more time with sad eyes and then left. As for the fire dragon slayer, he stayed at Lucy's side, her hand still in his.
Lucy sat up in cold sweat, her eyes wide with remembrance. She gazed around, finding her surroundings somewhat familiar.
She noticed Rufus in the bed next to her, sleeping, then she saw Natsu sleeping on her left, his hand loosely in hers.

"Natsu..." she muttered.

Natsu stirred awake. He yawned, still drowsy, but immediately became wide awake when he saw that Lucy was awake.

"Luce!" he exclaimed. He hugged her, pulling her to him, his face buried into her neck. He felt immense relief, he didn't know that he was that tense before.
Lucy hugged him back hard, feeling safe in his arms. Soon after, she pulled back.

"Sting! Rogue!" she exclaimed. "They... They were taken by Jacob! He brought them to Ambrose." Lucy glanced behind her at Rufus for a slight second before staring into Natsu's green onyx eyes. "Ambrose wants me now or he'll kill them painfully. He'll then kill all of Sabertooth and Fairy Tail." Lucy took a deep breath. "He will do everything to get me. Natsu..." She paused, trying to make the next news less alarming than it is, but unable to. "He wants my blood."

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