Chapter 18 | Battles

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"I do not have to be a dragon slayer to defeat you," Erza told him, re-quipping into her lightning empress armor.

God Serena laughed at her remark. "You're too confident, little red head!" he stated, his magic power emitting powerfully around him, however Erza was not in the least troubled by it.

She dashed towards him, lightning sparkling around her, but when she threw an attack at him, he simply laughed as his body absorbed it.

"I'm an elemental dragon slayer, pretty girl! A little lightning won't affect me!" he shouted with a huge smug smile on his face.

Erza clicked her tongue. Once she reached him, she re-quipped into her Black Wing Armor and swung the massive sword at God Serena who dodged with the simplicity of a cat.

Laughing, the Dragon Slayer wannabe, attacked her with many spells which created an unison.

However, before the spells could even reach her, Erza had re-quipped into her Adamantine Armor, blocking off the spells with her shield.

God Serena didn't even have time to pout all about it that Erza had re-quipped into her Flight Armor and successfully hit him with her twin blades.

He let out a cry of pain and because the force of the impact, he flew into the wall on his right, causing it to create a crater.

"You damn..." he muttered, glaring at her. "You shouldn't be able to even touch me! I am unstoppable!"

He straightened, stepping away from the wall to feel more imposing.

"Really?" Erza uttered. "You're just someone from the past. The title you held so dear and proudly is no longer in your possession. It has been stripped from you, ever since you decided to betray your Kingdom for a rival one who wanted war upon us."

God Serena clenched his jaw. "Stop spouting nonsense! I am still the top first Wizard Saint! No one can compete against me! Not someone like you!"

Erza re-quipped into her Clear Heart Clothing. "I do not need any armor to beat you. I'll show you the true power of Fairy Tail, and you'll realize that the extreme power you held is nothing but a core memory."

Stancing herself, Erza held a fierce and determined gaze as she launched at the ex-Wizard Saint and beat him in one full attack of her sword.

That day, God Serena faced defeat for the second time in his life and disappeared into whichever afterlife he should have gone to from the beginning when Acnologia murdered him.

Erza changed back into her usual armor and looked over her shoulder at the mage who once held the strongest title in Ishgar.

"I must find Natsu and the others," she told herself as she started to go search for them.

. . .

When Gray, Wendy and Carla opened the door they immediately took notice of Sting and Rogue who was floating in the middle of the room in what seemed a deep sleep.

"What's with them?" Gray asked, as they walked over.

Wendy reached them before Gray and Carla to start her examination, worried about the two Dragon Slayers' state.

"Are they okay?" Carla wondered as she and Gray reached Wendy.

"They seem alright, but..." Wendy pursed her lips in worry and anxiety. "I still don't understand why I feel as if they aren't completely there."

"That is simple," a voice said, and all the mages turned around to look at the newcomer.

Gray fell into a stance, followed by Wendy while Carla transformed into her human form, positioning herself into a defensive stance to look after the two mages behind her.

"So you finally decided to show up," Gray declared as cold started to form around him.

"I was there from the beginning, you were just unable to see me," Jacob replied, his hands behind his back.

"So what's up with them?" Gray asked.

Jacob smirked. "They are under Monster's spell."

"Spell?" Wendy exclaimed.

"A sleeping spell."

Wendy glanced over her shoulder briefly. But that doesn't explain anything, she thought.

"Monster told me to spare them until you come, but since you're here now I see no reason to."

"We won't' let you," Gray said and ran towards Jacob. "If Lucy and Natsu could beat you, we can too!"

Wendy nodded her head in affirmation.

"Carla, look after Sting and Rogue!" Wendy told the exceed behind her.

"I'm on it."

"Ice make; Lance!"
"Sky Dragon wing attack!"

With ice and wind mixed together, the already deadly shards of ice became deadlier as it mixed with the sharp wind.

Jacob dodged the attack by jumping up in the air. Suddenly both Gray and Wendy started to scream as invisible pain rained upon them.

"What the hell?" Gray muttered after the pain stopped.

"Do you like it?" Jacob asked. "Being unable to see the attack?"

Gray glared at him. "I don't have time to play this game of yours." He glanced at Wendy. "Let me take care of him."

"Are you sure?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah." Gray smirked. "He's not a big deal anyway."

Black markings started to appear on Gray's skin as he stripped down.

"Ice Devil's Zero Long Sword!" With a huge sword made of purplish ice appearing in his hand, Gray slashed it at Jacob in one fell swoop.

The Assassin, wide-eyed, fell to his knees and eventually hugged the floor.

The black markings disappeared and Gray turned around. "Weren't you Ajeel's bodyguard or something? Why are you here?"

Lying on the floor, Jacob answered; "He threatened that he would kill his Majesty the Emperor if I didn't serve him for his purposes. I can't win against him, and so can't you. He's too strong."

"Did you forget who we are?" Gray uttered. "We'll take him down and make sure he doesn't threaten anyone again. Fairy Tail never gives up and you know that first hand."

"No... I couldn't forget."

"Do you know how to undo the spell?" Wendy asked Jacob.

The man shook his head. "But Monster can, but he won't ever undo it. The only way is to probably beat him."

Gray chuckled. "Lucy and Natsu got this."

Wendy nodded. "Yeah, they're the strongest together!"

"Ain't that the truth," Carla declared with a small chuckle of her own.

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