Chapter 17 | Hypnos, God of Sleep

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"If you wanted my blood for so long, why haven't you taken it when I was little?" Lucy asked.

The smile that was bestowed upon Monster's face vanished and drew into a frown. "I surprised myself caring," he said. "And you were a child."

Lucy couldn't hold back the twinge of emotion stabbing her heart. No matter what Ambrose had done, he was a friend before.

"It would have been easier if you had done it when I was young," Lucy said, sadness laced into her voice. "That way you wouldn't have taken so long to capture me and I wouldn't be as betrayed as if I was my young innocent little self."

"Nothing always goes as planned, Lucy," he stated.

Lucy wasn't sure what to make of that since his tone was voiced with absolutely no emotion.

Sighing, Lucy reached for her keys. "No matter what, I'm not letting you kill me, Ambrose."

He gave her an ungenuine smile. "Then I guess you should remember everything before we start."

"Wha—" Her hand instinctively reached for her head as a searing pain stabbed through her mind. Lucy let out a yelp of pain as the rest of her memories arrived painfully fast.

When she got all of them back, Lucy was covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

Lucy gasped as she straightened up, giving Ambrose such a murderous glare that Ambrose, Natsu and Happy couldn't help but shiver with terror.

They never expected such an expression on Lucy Heartfilia.

"You little..." Lucy mumbled, her hands turning into fists. "Why did you need to erase my memories?" she yelled. "You could have gone after me! With my memories! But you didn't! And I missed so many months being with my family! I was supposed to get married! You have no idea how Natsu could have felt, while I was at Sabertooth with no memories of us being friends or together at all!"

Lucy pulled out Leo the Lion's key inculding Virgo's.

"Open, gate of the Lion and gate of the Maiden, Leo! Virgo!" Both spirits appeared just as Lucy started to glow golden. "Stardress mix: Capricorn x Taurus!"

Lucy's clothes changed into a mix of both Capricorn's and Taurus' stardress.
Her long golden blond hair was tied into to high buns where each bun had braids flowing from them. A black choker was around her neck with a golden bell. Lucy wore a purple and white dress that looked similar to Capricorn's star dress; she had white thigh high heeled boots with her left leg covered in black tight pants, and both her arms were covered in black arm sleeves that was held by a belt at each ends and another at each wrists. At Lucy's left hand was a cross of both Taurus' and Capricorn's keys.

"Let's go!"
"Regulas Impact!" With his fist glowing golden, Leo attempted to punch Hypnos only to fall immediately to the floor followed by Virgo who was just about to attack him as well.

"What the..." Lucy muttered and watched as both Leo and Virgo were fast alseep. "Go rest back to the celestial world, you guys, I'll try to take care of him myself." She waved her arm, closing both their gates.

Giving Hypnos a glare, she charged towards him with incredible speed and punched him in the stomach. Hypnos' eyes widened and he felt himself fly back, hitting the wall.

Everyone heard the crack when he did.

Hypnos didn't have time to stand that Lucy was in front of him and hitting him every single time she could.

With the strength of Taurus, Hypnos went through the wall, finding himself him outside of the manison.

He gasped. He was helpless when Lucy jumped on him, attacking him even though he was still in the air.

Throwing a punch on his face, Hypnos hit the ground, a cloud of dust collecting.

Lucy landed on her feet, barely exhausted as she tightened her fists.

Holding Natsu, Happy and the fire dragon slayer followed Lucy outside, landing a few feet behind her.

"Damn..." Happy uttered with wide eyes, putting Natsu down. "Don't ever make Lucy angry."

Natsu only hummed at his statement, his hands clenched into fists.

"Lucy..." he mumbled.

Lucy ran towards him just as Hypnos stood up and raised his hand.


Lucy wavered in her steps. Her eyes suddenly getting tired. Clenching her teeth, she brought her fist into her side, letting out a small yelp of pain.

Hypnos' eyes widened in surprise.

"Why do you wish to become a god again so desperately?" Lucy asked, straightening herself while breathing heavily from the pain she felt at her side, however at least she was awake.

Hypnos seethed. "Because that's who and what I am."

Lucy couldn't help but scoff. "Being a god doesn't define you," Lucy said. "It's who you are. Your memories, your feelings, your emotions... Nothing else."

"That's such a human thing to say," Hypnos spat. "Go to damn sleep and die!"

Lucy dropped to a knee, her hand rising to her head, her eyes feeling droopy.

Lucy's star dress disappeared as she weakened because of the sleeping spell.

Hypnos laughed in triumph. He proceeded to pull out a dagger.

"Now it's time for me to return into my former self." He raised the hand he was holding the dagger to stab her.

Lucy looked up just as Hynos flew away and Natsu's back was in her view.

"Natsu..." Lucy muttered, her heart fluttering in her chest.

"Get up Luce," Natsu said. "We're beating that jerk together."

The celestial mage smiled and stood up to place herself beside Natsu, and changing into the mix star dress of Leo and Scorpio.

Lucy's hair was tied into a high ponytail with her bangs tied in her ponytail but loosely so that they hung at the side of her face. She wore a red and golden dress similar in style as Leo's star dress, however it went up to the neck and possessed an open back. Lucy also wore black tights and red knee high combat boots that possessed a silver knee armor. On her right arm she had silver armor and on the left she wore a black bracelet. Lucy had the cross of Leo's and Scorpio's keys on her hand as well.

"Yeah," Lucy agreed.

Both mages couldn't help the huge toothy grin crossing their face as they stood side by side, ready to beat the crap out of Hypnos.

"Lets go!"

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