Epilogue | The Beginning

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"Are you nervous, Lucy?" Levy wondered as she made sure the dress and its accessories were positioned rightfully.

The celestial mage simply pursed her lips in response to her friend's question.

"You shouldn't, Lucy," Erza said, making her way towards the blond to give her a pat, but then remembered she had her hair done. "Natsu has been waiting for this moment for a long time and so have you in a sense. Both of you love each other. Everything will be fine."

"Yeah..." Lucy whispered, staring down at her hands, where her Fairy Tail guild mark was and then at the Sabertooth guild mark in her right inner wrist.

. . .

Once Ambrose absorbed some of Lucy's blood, he started to glow such a beautiful and almost angelic golden color. He sat up glancing down at his hand as he started to regain what he lost.

He glanced at Lucy unconscious beside him, before staring at Natsu. "If I knew all along..." he muttered, standing up just as a bright flash erupted and his godly self appeared. Tall, devine, and set with wings that could not be concretely identified for it looked gold, white and black at the same time. "I wouldn't have done all of this." Hypnos looked up at the sky which was turning to the color of night. "Forgive me mother..." He glanced back at Lucy. "And forgive me Lucy."

He knelt beside her and placed two of his fingers on her temple. "I give you a blessing for you are an angel that has long been devoided from the light she deserved. I promise I will come to you and utter that blessing on that special day."

. . .

"Lucy," Erza uttered, pulling her out of her thoughts, "it's time."

"Right..." she whispered. The blond celestial mage followed Erza out where she met Makarov outside.

The older wizard gave her a smile filled with happiness and Lucy returned it, taking his hand as they started to walk down towards the aisle, Mest behind Makarov, pushing his wheelchair.

The walk and the sermon passed so quickly, Lucy barely remembered any of it, however what she did remember was when the priest started the blessings:

"With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing, with one another in love, eager to maintain, the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Do everything in love."

The priest paused and continued, this time with the vows. "Natsu Dragneel, do you take Lucy Heartfilia to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

Natsu looked deep in Lucy's brown chocolate eyes before answering, giving her hand a squeeze. "I do."

"And do you Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu Dragneel to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him or better or worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

Lucy gave Natsu a small smile, her heart beating loudly in her chest. "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the priest declared. "You may now kiss the bride."

Natsu caressed her wedding ring before pulling her gently towards him and pressing his lips to hers. When their lips met, Lucy felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and she leaned in, enveloping her arms around his neck to pull him closer.

Everyone clapped and some cheered, all of them possessing huge smiles of joy upon their faces.

The newly wedded couple pulled back and started to walk through the aisle together, holding hands, feeling the happiest they have ever felt in their life.

When both reached the end of the aisle, a light flashed and Hypnos appeared.

"I have come in peace, as ironic as it is," Hypnos declared, his wings flapping behind him. He looked at Natsu and Lucy. "Lucy and Natsu Dragneel, I have come to give you a blessing. Shall both strong mages live in happiness with no interference of any human, monster or any god, or any creature of any kind. And shall the child or children you birth get passed down that blessing and so on for all generations. I, Hypnos, God of Sleep, child of Nyx, Goddess of the Night, will protect you and your descendents from any unfathomable evil."

"That's..." Lucy began, but Hypnos interrupted her.

"I know you have heard what I said that day Lucy." He gave her a smile before disappearing with exactly the same light he appeared with.

. . .

2 years later...

Lucy and Natsu were in bed, Lucy's head resting on Natsu's shoulder. The Dragon Slayer was playing with her hair and the celestial mage was staring up at the ceiling of their house.

"You never told me," Natsu started. "What happened that day with... what was his name again? Hyper? Hip? Nostril?"


"Yeah, Hypnos. What happened?"

Lucy sat up, making Natsu let go of her hair. She looked down at him, holding the sheet to cover her bare chest. "He apologized. He told me he regretted everything he did. He said that only if he knew from the beginning he didn't need all of my blood, he wouldn't have done all of this. Afterwards, he said that he would come to bless us on our marriage day. I guess... as a way to be forgiven for everything he did."

"You're such an angel, Luce," Natsu said, chuckling.

"What do you mean?" she asked, confused as to why he mentioned that.

"That day, even though he tried to kill you, you gave him some of your blood which made him turn back into a god."

"He wasn't evil," Lucy uttered. "He just went at it the wrong way which caused him to seem evil."

"Mommy! Daddy!"

Lucy gave Natsu a smile and slid off the bed, putting on her clothes. Natsu watched her before doing the same.

Holding hands, they walked out of their bedroom and made their way towards the kitchen where Happy and their son were.

"What is it, Nash?" Lucy asked, coming towards him to peck his forehead with a kiss.

Natsu came along to ruffle his blond hair.

"You gotta see the fish we caught, Happy and I!"

"Aye!" Happy stated, flying towards the door.

"It's huge!"

"All right," Lucy said. "We're following you."

"I bet it isn't as big as the one I caught that one time," Natsu uttered cockily.

"Wanna bet, old man?" Nash said, giving his father a grin.

Nash ran and Natsu chased after him, while Lucy and Happy followed slowly behind them; Lucy adorning a huge smile on her face and with warmth radiating in every corner of her heart.

She loves them and always will.

After all... that fateful day of their first encounter was a foreshadow of their future for a charm can be broken in two ways.

It just so happened that she met her true love.

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