Chapter 10 | Mysterious

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Everyone shifted in their seats as they stared at the once dead wizard in front of them. A lot of them had frowns on their faces while others held inconvenience or some held no emotions.

Lucy was the only one smiling brightly.

As for Natsu he was fidgeting in his seat. He wanted to talk to his older brother, but not in front of everyone and he also knew that it wasn't the right time.

"What did you want to know about?" Zeref asked, glancing at Lucy then at Natsu.

"Do you know anyone going by the name 'Monster'?" Lucy questioned.
"Monster?" Zeref raised a hand to his chin and started searching his once immortal memory.

The others waited in silence, impatient to know what Zeref might know.

"For many years of my life, I've tried to find out who exactly Monster was. His original name is unknown, even to me. What I know is that he's super strong, as some of you might have noticed if you encountered him. The only magic I know he uses is shape-shifting, I don't know anything else or even if he uses any other types of magic."

"Rogue and I encountered him, he used some... One minute we were facing him and the other we were somwhere else entirely. We don't really understand what happened. It was confusing..." Sting exclaimed.

Zeref hummed at that, acknowledging the new information.

"What I know about his existance is that there's this vibe from him that shows he doesn't come from here. From this world. From which world he comes from, I don't have a clue, but he just doesn't come from here." Zeref sighed, leaning his head back and looking at the ceiling. "Why do you want to know about him all of a sudden? Monster isn't known to a lot of people."

Sting was about to respond, but Natsu beat him to it. "He's after Lucy."

Zeref looked at his brother before glancing at Lucy.

"You?" Zeref wondered.

Lucy nodded. "I don't know why..."

Zeref scrunched his eyebrows. "Don't you remember him? He was under a different name - a made up one - but you should still recognize him."

All of the mages became stiff in their spots.

"What?" they said in unison, nearly shouting. Lucy was the only one who didn't say anything, too shocked to talk.

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked, feeling his blood firing up.
Zeref didn't bother to look at his younger brother; the black haired man stared at Lucy who was still in complete shock.

"You don't remember? You were close to him," Zeref asked her.

Lucy started trembling. She closed her eyes, biting her lower lip, her eyebrows scrunching up in pain. Sweat fell down her forehead to her neck as the pain overcame her.

Gray stood up, walking up to her and put his hand on her forehead to cool her down.

"Why don't you remember him?" Zeref asked. "You were young, but - "

Suddenly, Natsu stood up from his seat and slammed his palms on the table, almost breaking it.

"How do you know about all this?" Natsu yelled. "You met Lucy before?"

"I was learning about Monster," Zeref replied. "And it just happened that he was with Lucy." Zeref stared deeply at his younger brother. "The question is... how come she doesn't remember? Every memory erasing spell has a limited time to it and even a limited amount to erase. So why doesn't she remember?"

"Someone erased her memory. We don't know who," Erza answered, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "It happened too fast."

Could it be him? Zeref thought. But why?

"What was his relation with Lu - "

"How was he called?" Lucy interrupted Natsu.

Zeref looked back at her, taking in her state. If he told her now she might fall unconscious and Lucy seemed to know that but was determined nevertheless.

"The name he used was Ambrose."

Sorry for taking so long to update!

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