Chapter 8 | Remember?

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Neinhart nodded, listening to the plan Monster was giving him. The white haired man kept repeating and repeating the plan to make sure that the latter remembered everything.

"There's no messing up," Monster had said, having repeated himself for the millionth time.
Neinhart had just waved it off, being pretty sure of himself.
"You either do everything to the letter or you don't get your revenge at all," Monster had told him.
Neinhart had been angry by what he had said and so he had threaten him with his magic, about to create one of Monster's old strong enemies.
"Go ahead," Monster had exclaimed. "You won't have your revenge if you do it. Want to know why?" He'd leaned forward, his hot breath hitting Neinhart's face. "Because you'll be dead."
Neinhart had shivered at that, surprised by the coldness in the white haired man's voice.

"You remember everything?" Monster, now asked him.
Neinhart nodded once again.
"Then go."
And the ex Spriggan member left.
Lucy had her head craddled in her hands, her eyes closed as she was still processing what Sting told her earlier.
She felt some of their stares piercing her, but she ignored it, not bothering to reassure them that's she's fine when she technically isn't.

The silence in the guild was deafening. Nobody dared to talk nor move because they didn't even want to make any noise.

Lucy knew that her memory wasn't that great, but to know the reason was because someone played with it, is something else. It makes her furious. Because that meant she had a different life from what she had now. And that life probably was being a Fairy Tail member. It was clear by how they all seemed to know her.

She doesn't.

No matter how hard she tries to remember, it's impossible. The only thing she gains is for her head to throb more and more painfully to the point she was sure her brain was going to explode from her head.

Lucy felt someone take a seat beside her on the bench. Someone took one of her hands that were clutching her head and took it in their's.

Their hand was so warm.

She opened her eyes and looked at who took her hand.


His green onyx eyes were traced on her left hand. His tanned fingers were playing with her ring, making it go up and down and then side to side.
She looked at his hand and noticed that he, too, had a ring on his ring finger. The same one as her's.

"Who are you married to?" Lucy asked him, her voice coming out barely a whisper.

Natsu didn't respond, but kept playing around with her ring. She looked up to see his expression. His lips were set in a grim line. His eyes were still set on her pale hand.

Finally he answered after some more moments of silence. "I'm fianced to you."
Lucy looked at him with wide eyes, but stayed silent.
She let him play with her ring and caress her hand, she didn't mind, she even liked it.

Lucy was about to ask a question when the doors slammed open, coming off from their hinges. Dust collected at the door. At the entrance there were many shadowed figures and they all took a step into the guild.
All of the mages stood up in alert, reaching for their magic.

The dust cleared and the intruders were revealed.
It caused the Sabers and Fairies to gasp because they all knew that the people in front of them, blocking the entrance of the Sabertooth guild were dead.

"Why that surprised?" the purple haired man shouted, entering the guild and stepping in front of the intruders. "I'm sure you were aware of my escape."
"We were," Lucy said, finding her voice unlike the others.
Neinhart smiled at her and opened his arms wide. "You come with me darling and I'll make sure that your friends don't die."
"Absolutely not," Erza uttered. "Lucy isn't going anywhere."
"I wasn't asking you," Neinhart told her with a glare.

"He sent you here didn't he?" Lucy asked before Erza could throw her swords at him.
Neinhart's gaze turned back on Lucy. "He certainly did, but what would it matter to you?"
"Oh, it doesn't really matter to me. You're just one of the little weak enemies, like so many more, we beated in the past," Lucy replied, holding back a smirk.

For some reason that memory came at her with a quick flash.

Natsu beside her couldn't believe that this woman was his fiancée.

She was hot.

Neinhart glared at her furiously, steam could almost be seen coming out from his ears, and his face was dangerously red. If he continued that way he might just die of overheat.

"I will bring you to him blond chick and I don't mind if you have a few bruises and scratches all over you either." He snapped his fingers and the figures dashed towards the Fairies and Sabers.

The mages stanced themselves, ready to fight against their old enemies.

Lucy dodged one of Zancrow's fire attacks and sprinted towards Neinhart, Natsu taking on the dead wizard he won against in the past.

Just as Lucy was closing the distance between her and Neinhart gradually,  another figure appeared, one she somewhat remembered.
Lucy stopped in her tracks, her hands hovering above her whip and keys.

"Now what will you do, Lucy Heartfilia?" Neinhart laughed, staring at her with mere amusement as if he just played the most powerful player in a game of Chess.

The Queen.

"Zeref Dragneel," Lucy breathed out in recognization.

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