Chapter 2 | An Act

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The trio nodded to each other and separated.

Even though the old crazy man told them to kill him-whoever he is-they decided to do the job, but instead they will capture him.

Everything would be simpler if they knew how he looked like. The old man gave no description and they had no time to ask as they had scurried off, not wanting to anger the man any further. Now they are stuck with asking around and looking out for anything suspicious.

Lucy walked up to a woman who was holding her groceries and asked her if there was anything strange that has been happening lately.
The woman apologized as she had no information. Lucy comforted her, telling her it's fine and left asking someone else.

After asking, about what seemed the whole town, Lucy decided to go back to the client's house.

She knocked on the door and waited patiently.
No one answered.
She knocked again, this time a little louder.
No one answered.

Worried, Lucy tried the doorknob. The door was locked.

From what Lucy caught yesterday, she saw that there were no possibilities that Josh has left his house. He was too paranoid yesterday when they came.

"Open gate of the sea-goat; Capricorn." With sparkling stars, a goat appeared and bowed at Lucy.

"What may I do for you, Lucy?" Capricorn asked, straighten back up.
"Could you knock down the door for me, please." Lucy told him.
The celestial spirit nodded. He stepped back and kicked the door down. It slammed on the floor with a loud bang which made Lucy worry that someone heard it, but it would be impossible because Josh had no neighbors.

Capricorn bowed once more before disappearing into stars.

Lucy stepped into the house, walking on the broken door on the floor. She looked around.
Nothing seemed out of place since yesterday. Though there was no one there.

"Mr. Walker?" Lucy called out in a whisper. She turned right in the living room and continued walking. She opened a door and stepped into what seemed to be a bedroom.

Someone whimpered, making Lucy stall in her tracks. She heard the noise again. Lucy made her way towards it and nearly jumped out of her skin when someone put their hand on her bare shoulder.

She twirled around and saw Josh, looking at her unamused.

"Mr.Walker." Lucy breathed out, surprised.
"What are you doing here, young lady?" he asked her, raising an eyebrow.
"I came here to see you. Ask you some questions."
Josh hummed. "By kicking down my door?"
Lucy's eyes widened and she waved her hands in front of her. "I-I'm sorry about that. I-I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine." Josh said, waving it off. "But you must pay for damages."
"Yes of course." Lucy said, nodding.
"What did you want to know?" Josh asked. "I'm sure you realize that what you did was dangerous. The man could be in my house right now and I wouldn't know it and you wouldn't know it. You knocked down the door-the door that kept me safe."
"I'm sorry." Lucy apologized again.
Josh sighed. "Tell me what you want to know."
"How does he look like? What is his name?"

Josh stared at her a moment in silence, pondering what to answer.

"He has no name. But if he does, I do not know." Josh uttered. "But the man has white hair and forest green eyes."
"How tall is he?"
Josh shrugged. "Though I can tell you that people call him Monster."
"Where is he the most seen?"

A bang resonated in the room, coming from the closet.
Lucy and Josh both looked at the closet in unison. They then glanced at each other.

"What do you have in there, Mr.Walker?" Lucy asked him, taking a step back, reaching for her whip at her belt.
"Nothing, young lady. Must be something misplaced that fell."
"It wasn't something that fell. It was like someone hit something." Lucy said.
"There's no one there." Josh argued.

Lucy turned around and rushed to the closet, but Josh grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"You are going too far." Josh hissed and started to drag her out of the room.

For an old man his grip and strength were strong. Strong as if he wasn't really an old man...

Lucy jerked herself out of his grip. She slapped the whip his way and let it wrap around his legs. She pulled on the whip and Josh fell face first on the floor. She detached the whip from his legs and ran back towards the closet.

She sprang the door open and looked in shock at the man sitting attached on the floor, his mouth binded by a cloth.

"Mr. Walker?" she uttered, confused. "Then that means..." She turned around and was faced by another man. He grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

"I didn't want to do this to you, Lucy." the white shoulder-length haired man said. "But you were just too smart."
"You're-" Lucy screamed when she was thrown against the wall, her back cracking. She whimpered as she hit the floor, tears at the corner of her eyes.

The man walked towards her and crouched down. He placed his palm on her cheek, carressing it. When Lucy looked up, she saw tears at the corner of his eyes.

Lucy then watched him, taking in his appearance. The man's white shoulder-lengthed hair was straight but curly, the white looked like snow. His green forest eyes stared at her with such sadness. With only the color of his eyes she could see trees. His skin was pale, paler than hers. The man also had a beauty mark under his left eye. He weared a dark green unbutton blouse with black skinny jeans and black combat boots. The man had a ring on his middle finger-the hand that was on Lucy's cheek.

"I'm sorry." the man muttered.
"Do I know you?" Lucy asked, sensing familiarity in his actions and appearance.

The man smiled softly. He pulled his hand away and stood back up.

"Stay here. I'll take care of your friends." the man said and walked away.

Lucy whimpered as she tried to push herself up. The real Josh was still seated on the floor, his huge eyes staring at Lucy.
He said something to her, but his voice was muffled by the cloth in his mouth.

Lucy reached for her a key and called upon a spirit.

Leo the Lion appeared and when he did he immediately kneeled beside her with concern.

"Lucy, what happened?" he asked, his hands hovering over her body, pondering whether he should touch her or not.
"Don't worry about me." Lucy told him. "Go after the man. He shouldn't be far."
"No I'm going to stay here with-"
"Loke please go. Go help Sting and Rogue. I'm going to take care of Mr.Walker."
"But you're-"
"Loke." Lucy uttered his name sternly. "Do as I say." Then she added, "Please."

Leo sighed and stood up. "Ok, but summon someone to help you."
Lucy nodded and Loke left.

Lucy summoned Virgo and the maiden appeared.

"Princess!" the maid yelled, running towards Lucy. She helped her up, Lucy letting out groans of pain.
Virgo made her sit on the bed in the middle of the room.

"I think my back is broken." Lucy informed her.
"I'll go call a healer right away, princess. I hope you punish me after." Virgo said and already started to leave.
"No! Wait!" Lucy shouted, making Virgo stop in her tracks. "Untie Mr. Walker first."

Virgo hesitated but untied the old man nonetheless.
The old man thanked Virgo. Virgo only nodded in response before leaving to go get a healer for Lucy.

After Virgo left, Lucy turned to Josh Walker.

"What happened?"

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