Chapter 16 | Who He Is

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They had to roughly shake Natsu awake, but they still managed to make their way to Lucy's previous home.

Surprisingly nobody attacked them when they reached the mansion. It caused them to worry since they normally would have been attacked by now.

Erza glanced at Lucy, her mind wondering if they were at the right place.

Seeming to sense Erza's gaze, Lucy looked at the redhead. "I'm sure they're here," she said as if she heard Erza's thoughts. The blond gazed at the mansion that was once her home. "They must be inside; either waiting for us or playing some sort of game."

Lucy walked forward and Erza had to admire the blond's courage. She truly changed from the first time she joined the guild. She is more confident, courageous, and powerful than she was before. She went a long way.

The group followed behind Lucy.

The celestial wizard opened the door, her hand on her whip as she entered.

The door closed behind them and the group gazed around, expecting someone to jump on them, ready for a fight.


"Lucy..." Gray mumbled, doubt in his voice.

The celestial mage's lips pursed in a grim line. 

"We'll have to separate," Lucy said, glancing over her shoulder at the group. "Natsu, Happy and I will go one way. Wendy, Carla and Gray can go another and Erza can go alone. Is that alright with you guys?"

The wizards nodded. Gray, Wendy and Carla were about to make their way upstairs when Natsu stopped them.

"We're taking the last floor!" he told them and immediately started to drag Lucy with him, Happy flying behind.

Gray shared a wonderous gaze with Erza and the requip mage shrugged, starting her look-out of the first floor.
Gray, Wendy and Carla looked around, impressed by the vastness of the mansion even though most of the place was covered in dust and webs. They walked in silence on the second floor of the mansion, passing by many closed doors, knocking every time they met one or putting an ear against the wood, hoping they’ll hear something on the other side. At first, the group had tried to open them but once they saw that most doors were locked they decided to do the formers.

The Fairy Tail mages were about to turn a corner when Wendy abruptly stopped in her tracks, causing Carla to stop beside her and Gray to look over his shoulder.

"What's the matter, child?" Carla asked, looking up at the young mage.

Wendy scrunched her nose. "There's a faint smell... Rogue's I think... with Frosch."

"Where?" Gray asked.

Wendy frowned, took a step forward, then took two steps back and stopped in front of a door on the right side. They had knocked on it when they passed it, but no noise came from inside. Surely if someone was inside they would make some kind of noise to let them know they are inside.

"The smell is stronger here, but..." Wendy glanced at the ice wizard. "I don't know how to describe it... It's like... it's there, but not there at the same time."

Gray scrunched his eyebrows. "Well... let's found out what's inside."
Erza jumped back as a jet of fire erupted her way, at the same time, a sword appeared in her hand.

It didn't take long before an eccentric man with orange hair to appear before her and start posing like some kind of model.

Erza was about to lash out at the man with her sword until the orange haired male, God Serena, pointed two left fingers at her, a grin on his face, and two of his right fingers against his brow.

"Erza Scarlet! Titania! What a pleasure! However, I must kill you now!"

Erza, unfazed, summoned another sword and lashed out at him, slashing her swords at the supposed dead man.

God Serena laughed, zapping into lightning to dodge her dangerous swords. "You won't be able to defeat me! I am a dragon slayer!" His grin turned wicked as he gazed at her through gleaming eyes. "And you're just an ordinary mage."
Lucy followed Natsu as he ran up the stairs to the attic, Happy following behind them.

Being Natsu, he broke the door to the attic once he reached it, not bothering to see if he could open it. Lucy held back a facepalm. She definitely should have expected that, but then, at the same time, it warmed her heart.

She couldn't believe that she forgot all about them.

Natsu... Happy... Her idiots.

Lucy abruptly stopped behind Natsu as he stood without moving. The celestial mage, glanced over his shoulder, Happy hovering above her head, to see Ambrose at the far end of the attic, his hands behind his back, facing their way, and a soft lazy smirk on his lips.

"I knew it wouldn't take long for you to find me," he said, lifting his chin, regarding them through his lashes.

"Because you gave back some of my memories?" Lucy asked, making her way to stand beside Natsu.

Monster chuckled. "That... but I was counting more on his nose." He nodded at Natsu who still hasn't spoken a word.

Lucy took a quick glance at Natsu, realizing that he was fuming in anger, his glare murderous.

Normally, he would have attacked but... Lucy gazed back at Monster.

Natsu was holding back for her sake.
Did he want her to give the first hit?

"You want to use my blood," Lucy started. "What for?"

Monster's smirk grew. "To once again become a God, of course." He took a step forward. "Dear Lucy... You're the only one able to give me that. You have the heart of an angel and your magic is celestial... two things close to God-hood."

Lucy bit the inside of her cheek before asking what she was itching to say. "Who are you really?"

Monster laughed, his hands coming out from behind his back to spread them out wide. "I am Hypnos! Greek God of Sleep! And I want my body back!"

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